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Six Senses 

A passion for wellness, community, sustainable design and smiles

Why do we do what we do? We respect that you, like us, believe that travel can serve a purpose. You want us to be honest and keep it real, with genuine actions that merge the two platforms of wellness and sustainability to promote personal health, and the health of our planet. Experience something out of the ordinary. Feel more alive. Be part of a community. Play. Ultimately reconnect with yourself, others and the world around you.

"Of course hospitality is never just about a place to stay. We want our places and spaces to help you reconnect and explore what it means to be mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally happy."

Neil Jacobs, Chief Executive Officer

Our values

This is our how: how we deliver on our promise of our name and reawaken your senses with wellness offerings and experiences that are out of the ordinary.

Local sensitivity, global sensibility

Part of the local fabric and culture, yet in tune with the wider world.

Responsible and caring

Caring for hosts and local communities. Committed to preserving the environment and sustainable operations.

Crafted experiences

An all-encompassing and unique range of experiences to stimulate, energize and restore.

Pioneering wellness

Delivering the latest and most effective wellness programs and experiences in partnership with leading experts.

Emotional hospitality

An emotionally intelligent approach to service that begins with empathy.

Fun & quirky

Aesthetics and experiences which are always unique, often unexpected and sometimes unusual. Delivered out of our constant curiosity and willingness to experiment.


We've always believed in being a story-doer, not a story-teller

Right from our beginnings in the early 1990s, Six Senses has been widely recognized for establishing the early benchmarks for the hospitality industry. These standards have enabled us to establish consistent quality without being formulaic with each property free to infuse their own local touch.

Our brands


    Hospitality that starts with ingenuity

    From exotic resorts and spa escapes to private clubs, urban adventures and luxurious residences, our developments are innovative, sustainable and representative of the unique and outstanding beauty of their location. Every property in our portfolio is special and distinctive with an individual personality. We welcome the opportunity to explore how you can benefit from the Six Senses brand and resources to launch your project.


    ​We never treat our properties like commodities. Our intention is wider and more meaningful that that. We are acutely perceptive as to the needs of our markets. As pioneers, we go to the next level and actually create demand through innovation. Leading the way on a journey of discovery to living awesome.

    The history of the logo

    The logo originates from the blessing marks made by the fingers of Buddhist monks on auspicious occasions in Thailand. The three primary senses of sight, sound, touch are positioned at the base of the pyramid. The second tier represents the harmony of taste and smell. The apex represents the sixth sense - intuition.

    Room comparison

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