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Wellness & Spa

Six Senses Integrated Wellness

Our wellness pillars

From the food you eat to the way you sleep and the earth beneath your feet, wellness is integrated into your whole Six Senses experience. We aim to enhance every aspect of your experience so you feel immediate, real benefits however long your stay.


Handmade mattresses, organic bedding and linens, dedicated Sleep programs and plenty of ZZZZs.


Natural ingredients, local and sustainable, less is more: food that's good for you and the world around you.


Signature therapies, locally-inspired treatments, Alchemy Bars, in-house experts and Visiting Practitioners: we have the whole of you covered.


Group and private wellness classes, functional fitness, running trails and jungle gyms: keeping active is good for your body and mind.


Less stress, clearer thoughts and more brain power with mindfulness, positive intentions and appreciation techniques.


Activities for children based on the dimensions of wellness: social, environmental, physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual.

  • Wellness Programs: dive deeper and discover what your body really needs

    Personalized wellness

    Wellness Programs: dive deeper and discover what your body really needs

Wellness stories

Helping you navigate the wellness jungle with our take on the latest science and some weird and wonderful traditions and treatments from our spas.

Six Senses Newsletter

Journey through Six Senses offers and updates

Come on a journey with us: the latest offers, wellness initiatives and inspiring community projects.


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