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Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas


Six Senses was founded in 1995 with a mission to promote responsible practices in top-tier hospitality. From exotic resorts and spas to private clubs and luxurious residences, our developments are innovative, sustainable and representative of the unique and outstanding beauty of their location. Every unit in our portfolio is special, surprising even, with its own take on life.

We welcome the opportunity to explore how you can benefit from the Six Senses system and brands, to achieve top returns on your investment. With dedicated team support, focused marketing and dynamic sales and distribution systems, we have the resources to launch your project and ensure that it is positioned effectively in its niche so as to achieve market leadership.

Resort development team

Six Senses employs a skilled team dedicated to architecture, design, construction and project management. The goal with each new project is to dream big, starting with a brilliant design that incorporates regional architecture and landscaping. This results in an extraordinary cultural offering with a strong sense of place. We are working with pioneers in the field of energy healing to ensure our structures promote a good balance of body and mind, flow of energy and ability to heal.

​Management service

Six Senses provides full hotel, resort and spa management which consists of identifying key objectives for the resort and spa and implementation through the unit General Manager. This includes the following sections:

  1. Accounting
  2. Administration
  3. Cost Control
  4. Day to Day Operations
  5. Quality Assurance
  6. Finance
  7. Insurance
  8. Maintenance
  9. Management Staff
  10. Marketing Sales & PR
  11. Property Management

Technical and Pre-opening Services

From the moment of signing the management agreement up until the official opening date of the resort, Six Senses will be providing Technical Services and Concept Design Guidance, and will prepare all necessary documentation and research in order to optimize the project's feasibility, perceived risk and operational efficiency.

Room comparison

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