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Six Senses Yao Noi Launches Junior Eco Warrior

As part of its reopening celebrations, Six Senses Yao Noi, Thailand has introduced the Junior Eco Warrior program. This dedicated kids’ program has been designed around the brand’s sustainability ethos for budding conservationists.

Opening doors to the fun and exciting world of sustainability, this three-day program aims to educate future changemakers on the resort’s sustainable practices through hands-on experiences and outdoor adventures.

Entering a stress-free (and parent-free) zone where all the usual rules can be put to one side and chickens and ducks dance to jazz, Junior Eco Warriors can collect fresh eggs and, go on a feeding frenzy at the goat’s pen with Kevin and his friends. From there, they can sow seeds that grow into the lush produce they will harvest later for a cooking class.

As the wellies are hung dry, it’s off to the beach to see why it is important to keep marine ecosystems clean before learning how trash can be turned into treasure through “Do-It-Yourself” projects. At the 3Rs Workshop, it’s all hands on deck to build Hornbill Villas from recycled timber for the resort’s VIP residents and learn why and how to save them from extinction.

The quest continues through a maze in the mangroves, spotting wildlife and perhaps greeting Jason, the resort’s resident monitor lizard, along the way. There’s just enough time for a picnic overlooking the iconic limestone karsts of Phang Nga Bay before the mission concludes on the day.

Recycle and upcycle is also on the agenda for the community of young VIPs, including workshops during which they’ll turn candle remnants into new ones, glass bottles into pots and food waste into compost.

“The Junior Eco Warrior program is a rewarding experience for our younger guests to gain insightful knowledge in a recreational way,” said Graham Grant, general manager of Six Senses Yao Noi. “Having their children engaged for half a day allows parents to enjoy some precious ‘me or us time’ too, dipping in the pool, embarking on a wellness journey in the spa, enjoying a leisurely brunch or reading a few pages of a book uninterrupted.”

The Junior Eco Warrior Program features various activities over a three-day rotational itinerary from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm daily. It’s suitable for children aged four to 12 and complimentary for all guests staying at the resort.


For further information, please contact:

Nicolette Ng
Marketing Communications Manager
Six Senses Yao Noi
+66 7641 8500
M +66 8 1797 2241


Benjawan Sudhikam (Ms.)
Director of Public Relations
Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas
T +66 2 631 9781 
M +66 8 181 38234


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