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Six Senses Ibiza to Feature on BBC Studios Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby

Celebrity chef Monica Galetti and television host Rob Rinder go behind the scenes to discover wellness and spirituality in the Balearics

Six Senses Ibiza will feature on the upcoming TV series of BBC Studios Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby. The episode will be available on BBC iPlayer from Thursday September 12 at 8:00 pm and will air as the third instalment in the series on BBC Two at 8:00 pm on Thursday September 26.

On the White Isle’s northern tip, Chef Monica Galetti and lawyer and presenter Rob Rinder arrive at Six Senses Ibiza to discover how, since the resort’s opening in 2021, it has established itself as a wellness and cultural community on the island. Throughout the episode, the pair are immersed in the live layers of year-round programming available to guests and gain an insight into the dedicated team of people who bring these memorable moments to life every day. From cacao ceremonies, silent hikes and biohacking practices to cyclical fashion, recording studios, and farm-to-table cooking, Monica and Rob will take viewers behind-the-scenes to explore the on-property experiences which celebrate and reflect Ibiza’s authenticity through pioneering wellness, music, art, fashion, culinary exploration, and culture.

In the upcoming series of BBC Studios Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby, Monica and Rob are put to work behind the scenes of some of the world’s most extraordinary hotels from Six Senses Ibiza to InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland. In each hotel, Monica and Rob join the teams of dedicated staff and discover what it takes to deliver once-in-a-lifetime experiences in some of the world’s most coveted hotels. They venture far beyond the lobby into places that the public don’t usually see and uncover the meticulous level of detail needed to pull off impeccable service. As they work, Rob and Monica get to know the people who staff these hotels and uncover the inspirational, poignant, and heart-warming stories of the communities around them.

The episode will be available to view on demand from 8:00 pm on Thursday September 12, and will air on BBC Two at 8:00 pm on Thursday September 26.

Media contact

Valentina Villa 
PR Manager, Six Senses Ibiza
Mobile: +34 686 062 993

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