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Hack your holiday

May 24, 2022 - Biohacking therapy sounds futuristic, but it’s simply a way to quickly recover from travel or jet-lag and get the most out of your stay. From the Venom Back Wrap to Compression Boots, you won’t just climb mountains, you’ll be ready to move them.

What is biohacking?

Biohacking can be described as do-it-yourself biology. This means making small changes to your diet or lifestyle to achieve small improvements in your overall well-being. The claims range from speedy weight loss to enhanced brain function. However, the best biohacking results come from being well-informed and cautious about what works for your body.

While the term itself dates to the late 80s, it gained momentum in San Francisco in 2005 through the DIYbio movement and an article written in Wired by Rob Carlson, “The era of garage biology is upon us. Want to participate? Take a moment to buy yourself a molecular biology lab on eBay.” Before you start a bidding war, however, read on!

In some form, biohacking has been around for thousands of years. What we now term biohacking is not perhaps the actual editing of DNA or adding microchips under the skin but a menu of tools, supplements, and equipment that help you achieve a result that little bit faster. From brain-boosting and nap-a-latte caffeine drinks to vitamin IVs and infrared saunas, these extensions enhance our traditional spa experiences.

Why introduce biohacking to Six Senses?

Biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside you so that you have more control over your own biology, creating shortcuts to health.

At Six Senses, wellness is not just confined to the four walls of the spa. We help guests become more aware of what’s going on inside and out, to make improvements in a playful and experimental way: we believe in optimism over optimization. When we talk about biohacks, we look at lifestyle and diet, and little changes that can make a big difference to how you think and feel. There are no invasive treatments such as gene editing or inserting microchips under the skin. For us, the term biohacking is a shortcut that can help change our bodies and our brains, enabling a smarter, fitter, and longer health span. We have always believed in the principle, but refocusing around this term has helped us to reach more guests and see some great results.

What are our guests saying?

We hope to see faster recovery from exercise or injury, while laying the foundation for a longer and healthier future. We want you to explore, feel supported and even surprised. Seeing this gives a platform for communication, engagement, and delivery. There’s a joy in achieving a goal quicker and better than before. Recovering faster post-ski, hike, surf, workout, or even traveling also helps you get the very most out of your holiday with us.

The Wellness Screening and Sleep Tracking offer handy intel on what is going on inside your body. Some findings can be addressed while you are with us, others will take a little longer to balance but we forearm you with the knowledge you need to take action when you get home.

"In this new era, taking care of your body, mind and heart has never been more important,” explains our Wellness Pioneer Anna Bjurstam. “Six Senses will share some of the best hacks to make you feel stronger and more resilient.’’  

What biohacks do we offer?

By offering biohacking in many of our spas, we can help you take shortcuts to better wellness by hacking the body’s natural recovery systems.

Wellness Screening

Stresses and strains on your body and mind will show up in your screening. This non-invasive analysis is fast and simple and could be your first step to making long-lasting improvements. Your data never lies, and the readings, along with a discussion about your lifestyle, are used to design a treatment or bespoke multi-day program specific to your needs.

Muscle Relief that is Quick and Easy with Hypervolt Go

This powerful device moves with you to give a portable percussion massage. Get the muscle relief you need so you can keep going.

Ease Lower Back Tension with Venom Back Wrap

Amplify the soothing power of heat with compression and vibration to melt away stress and tension on your core.

Fast Recovery with Compression Boots

Improve your daily performance and fast recovery after training, exercise, or walking.

Roll it out with Vyper Go Roll

The Vyper Go Roll gets you ready to move. Warm up fast, recover right, and unlock your tightest muscles.

Sleep Tracking

Get handy intel on your current sleeping patterns by wearing our sleep tracking ring overnight. Talk to our sleep expert the following day to discuss your results and find out what to do next.

Localized Cryotherapy

Expose the face to subzero temperatures to reduce inflammation, stimulate collagen, and refresh and uplift the area. Areas include Face Mask, Head Relief and Eye Therapy.

Breathe your way to Longevity with Cellgym

Enhance your energy production using a specialized breathing mask, to consume a combination of normal oxygen air and oxygen-reduced air. It is a revolutionary wellness option for longevity and athletic performance.

These biohacks are available now at many of our resorts. We regularly bring in new technology so ask the spa what’s on offer during your next visit.

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