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Mind out for your health

March 27, 2019 - Do you feel that as a society, technology is now consuming our attention to the point where we’re hyper-connected yet somehow less connected than ever to our friends and families? Do we spend so much time on life admin that we lose track of pursuing the things we love? Is it making us vulnerable to anxiety and ill health?

Bring your awareness back

At Six Senses Bhutan, our goal is to help you wrestle the steering wheel out of autopilot and bring your awareness back from past regrets or future fears into the here and now. Our wellness standards and in-depth programming can help you address most common concerns while you’re with us, and encourage you to stay in the driving seat once home.

Across our properties, you can immerse in different practices to help you cultivate more present moments. These enable you to maintain awareness, without judgment, of your senses, your emotions and your surrounding environment, leading to inner peace and awe.

Push the pause button

You can learn a lot about the world and yourself through mindful travel. And where better than the Palace in the Sky at Six Senses Thimphu in Bhutan to stop you in your tracks? Taking a moment to step out of the ‘doing’ into the ‘beholding’ of a moment has amazing health benefits. Without having to run after the next photo opportunity, story to tell when you get back home, or trying to find meaning in something that has just happened, you can experience more of what a moment has to offer. You can also experience yourself, just as you are, in relation to and within this moment.

Do try this at home!

  • Find a place to sit or stand
  • Be still
  • Breathe
  • Listen
  • Notice what you notice
  • Hear what you hear
  • See what you see
  • Feel what you feel
  • Make no judgments
  • Create no stories
  • Just be with what is arising in this moment

Six Senses Thimphu is now open

Six Senses Thimphu is one of five resorts collectively referred to as Six Senses Bhutan. You may visit one resort or immerse deeper into Bhutan’s spirituality, culture and hospitality on a tailor-made journey between them. From high above the capital at Thimphu to serenity at Punakha, black necked cranes at Gangtey, forest bathing at Bumthang and gathering to dine and celebrate life in the stone ruins of Paro, the aim is to leave feeling enlightened and reconnected (while not really wishing to leave at all). Reservations are being accepted for the properties in Thimphu, Paro and Punakha. Gangtey and Bumthang are targeted to open in the summer of 2019.

For more information, please call +975 2 350 773 and

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