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Take your brain with you …

January 16, 2020 - … for the rest of your life. Enjoy the bliss (yes bliss) of becoming older and ensure you don’t just live to 100; you do so with your brain functioning on all cylinders.

According to best-selling author, psychologist and medical anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo, we’re living in the Pharmageddon era, where it isn’t unusual to be on 10 different medications as we advance through life.

Despite the hundreds of billions of dollars spent in the pharmaceutical industry, the fact remains that our brain starts to suffer in our midlife due to the toxins all around us – in the air, water and food that we’re exposed to.

We can’t reverse this damage, but we can help to prevent it!

The New Year’s resolution that will lay the bedrock for health now and in later years is to “take your brain with you for the rest of your life”. At Six Senses, we’re working in partnership with Dr. Alberto to see how we can overcome the epidemic of broken brains, which leads to high levels of stress, insomnia, adrenaline spikes and anger.

1. It’s all about the Omega-3 DHA

Essential Omega-3 fatty acids are not manufactured by the body and can only be obtained through food. Once we are weaned from breast milk, which contains high quantities of Omega-3, the next best sources of fatty acids are fish oils, such as mackerel, salmon and cod liver oil. However, as more fish are now farm-raised, this source is depleted.

Programs such as Grow a New Body, in conjunction with our Eat With Six Senses approach to food and drink, can help to repair and protect the brain within six weeks. Organic MCT, olive oil and coconut oils are all supplements that can be added to smoothies, bulletproof coffee and salad dressings.

2. Cut out the white menace

In recent years there has been much research into sugar. For many people, having a little sugar stimulates a craving for more. Sugar affects the reward center of the brain but there is no reward for our bodies as it impairs both our cognitive skills and self-control while causing harmful inflammation.

By eliminating refined white sugar, we can upgrade our brain to engage the higher brain that runs on fats not sugars. While the lower brain lives through fear, the higher brain is open to bliss, science, maths and music, and a greater understanding of your journey in life.

3. Eat within a six-hour window

Time-restricted eating (for example, only eating between 1:00 and 7:00 pm) is just as effective as intermittent fasting yet much less stressful as it focuses on feasting not fasting. In addition, fewer toxins are released at any one time into the bloodstream. Eat real meals and not snacks, while keeping sugar to a minimum. You need to maintain good nutrition, so focus on quality.

Insulin plays a role in weight regulation, but constant grazing can cause insulin to become dysfunctional. That can lead to insulin resistance, which makes it difficult to burn stored fat. In the hours you are not eating, insulin levels decrease. This can restore insulin sensitivity and encourage the body to access stored fat for fuel. Health effects range from reversing pre-diabetes to reducing high blood pressure and increasing energy levels.

4. Keep going!

It is hard to stick to resolutions, but this has a happy ending. After just six weeks, sugar cravings will reduce and it will become easier to make these permanent changes to your diet.

Within a few days, the brain fog will clear, sleeping becomes sounder, skin tone improves and energy levels increase. You are on your way to restoring balance and creating health by growing a new body.

Find out more about our personalized wellness programs.

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