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Where food is fine art

November 17, 2022 - Reconnect to the earth and let the energy flow through Executive Chef Kien’s new plant-based menu at Six Senses Samui. Get your creative juices flowing through co-creative workshops and exhibitions curated by local artistic talent.

It’s a growing and flowing season at Six Senses Samui. Executive Chef Kien has introduced a plant-based menu at Drift at the Beach, our beach bar and poolside lounge, and Dining on the Hill, our main dining venue, which serves up authentic Thai specialties cooked to order. Homegrown herbs and vegetables take center stage, along with produce from our partnerships with local farmers and producers.

Thai Cooking Class

This is a must-do experience for anyone interested in learning our culinary team’s best-kept secrets. And, because creating magic in the kitchen is thirsty work, the reward is our new cocktail menu inspired by our farm to enjoy the fruits (and veg) of your labors.

Farm on the Hill is where we minimize the resort’s environmental footprint by converting waste into wealth from compost to charcoal. We share our efforts with the local community and government as examples of how circularity can be successfully implemented in a hotel operation.

Co-Creative Space

Food has always played a role in art, from Stone Age cave painters using vegetable juice and animal fats to bind their paints to Cezanne’s post-impressionist renderings of apples and oranges. Six Senses Samui is introducing a new Co-Creative Space for guests and the local community to enjoy. Immersed into the local art scene, artists and artisans will run interactive workshops and art exhibitions. The space will also be home to children’s Grow With Six Senses crafts experiences.

We’re currently presenting a solo exhibition of oil paintings by local artist Khun Ta Byrne. Her “Eggs” collection is a play on Ta’s childhood memories. Her mum would prepare a daily lunch box for her to take to school, as there were no cooking facilities on site. When the lunch bell rang, the children would sit on the floor together and eat their lunch. Almost every other day, her mum would prepare a Thai specialty of fried egg on rice. The other kids would tease her and say, “Ta! fried egg again? You will begin to look like one soon!” These comments have inspired her to weave her childhood musings into her art in a playful way. 

If you’re tempted to escape the news and blues and kick off your shoes, head to the warm shores and warm welcome of Six Senses Samui. Explore the flavors of plant-based food in Thailand at our dining venues and indulge in the carefully crafted menu at Six Senses Samui.

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