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Junior Marine Biology program

This is the best type of home school where you can dress how you like, start when you like and get involved by sharing what you create. Join the team at Six Senses Laamu on a 10-week expedition like no other.

Email your worksheets, pictures, ideas and discoveries to the Maldives Underwater Initiative team at We can’t wait to hear from you. We also want the world to see your beautiful photos so when mum or dad upload them to social media make sure they tag @SixSensesLaamu, and #GrowWithSixSenses!

Six Senses Laamu

Junior Marine Biology: Week 1

This week all you will need is a notebook, some coloring pencils and make sure the worksheet (after the first video) is downloaded and printed before. Once you’re ready to get started, go ahead and press play on the first video!

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 2

Welcome to our second week of Junior Marine Biology! Come and join us for an adventure along the coast, where we’ll learn about how islands are formed, how they change over time and what we can do to measure them. Get ready to measure an island of your own, from home!

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 4

This week, we’re joining Nicole from the Manta Trust to learn all about the gentle giants of Laamu. Did you know they can grow as big as 7 meters? And they have the biggest brains of any fish? Discover this week’s videos and activities.

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 3

This week, let’s dive into the fascinating world of reefs. Are corals plants, animals or rocks? How do they get their fascinating colors? What kind of experiments can we do on them? Discover more through our videos and activities.

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 5

Dive into the meadows of the ocean: seagrass meadows (no, we don’t mean seaweed). Learn about these vital ecosystems and do some activities along the way. Three of the world’s most renowned seagrass scientists, Mike, Paul and Mike, join us.

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 6

Get ready for a turtle-y awesome adventure! Jo, our resident sea turtle biologist from the Olive Ridley Project, introduces our flippered friends and what they get up to in Laamu, with footage of our first baby hatchlings of the season. Come and meet them!

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 8

This week, Ali and Viv from the Blue Marine Foundation join us to help us learn about marine protected areas. The ocean is so important, shouldn’t it all be protected? Well it’s tougher than you might think. Let’s figure out why together.

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 7

This week we’re learning all about mangroves and why they are such an important ecosystem, especially for climate change. You’ll even get to research carbon levels in your own background and all you need as scientific equipment is a tea bag!

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 9

Make your own nature movie! Share something you love that you think should be protected. Underwater photographer Alex Mustard, filmmaker Matt Porteous and our very own storyteller Leanna Crowley (who edits all of our videos) show us how.

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Junior Marine Biology: Week 10

The sun is setting on our first series so let’s explore the wonders of the oceans at night. Plus watch amazing stop motion movies and messages from our Junior Marine Biologists worldwide!

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