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Junior Marine Biology: Week 1

Email your worksheets, pictures, ideas and discoveries to the Maldives Underwater Initiative team at We can’t wait to hear from you! We also want the world to see your beautiful photos so when mum or dad upload them to social media make sure they tag @SixSensesLaamu, and #GrowWithSixSenses!

Junior Marine Biology program: Week 1

This week all you will need is a notebook, some coloring pencils and make sure the worksheet (after the first video) is downloaded and printed before. Once you’re ready to get started, go ahead and press play on the first video!


We love to use the shape of Laamu atoll in our art. Have a go at coloring in the atoll and adding some extra features. We turned Laamu into a turtle, but you can make it whatever you want it to be! What does it look like to you?

Download the coloring in worksheet


As Lawrence said, during these sessions, we are going to be scientists. But what does science mean to you and how do you become a scientist? (It might be a good idea to get a notebook which you can use as your marine biology logbook for this course).

  • Write down three things that explain what science means to you.
  • Write down three things that scientists do.
  • For an extra challenge, write down three things you can do to be a scientist at home. 
  • Finally, draw a picture of you doing science.


For our final activity this week, you’re going to do your own experiment at home! What’s something you want to figure out? Maybe it’s how many birds you can see from your window? Or who in your family is the strongest (make sure everyone wants to participate first!)? Or what’s the best paper plane design? Come up with any experiment you like! Use this guide to help you come up with your experiment and remember to write everything down:

  • Firstly we need to have a question, this can be something you are curious about and want to find out more. 
  • Then we should write down our guess or hypothesis, this is what we think the answer will be. Don’t worry if it is wrong, because that is what science is all about, testing this hypothesis. 
  • We then need to test our hypothesis with an experiment. Make sure you write down all of the steps of your experiment and any extra observations you make. You should have enough detail that anyone else in the world can repeat your experiment perfectly. 
  • When we finish our experiment, we should have some results, make sure to record these results clearly. Because after that, we analyze our results. That means we look at them and figure out a good reason for why we got these. 
  • Finally, we share! You can do this in many ways, a video, a show and tell presentation, or even a poster. Try it out with your family and share it with, and don’t forget to share it with us to!


Thank you for a great first lesson. Share what you’ve written, drawn and discovered today by emailing our team at or tagging us on social media @SixSensesLaamu, and #GrowWithSixSenses.

See you next week where we’ll be exploring our island and learning about all the marine life that lives on and around it!


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