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Junior Marine Biology: Week 2

Welcome back to Junior Marine Biology online. Thank you so much to everyone who sent through your work last week. We have received some amazing emails from all around the world and they are keeping our lonely marine biologists company. Keep sending through your pictures and feedback to

For this week’s class, all you need is your marine biology logbook and a few items that you can upcycle from around your house. Once you’re ready to get started, go ahead and press play on the first video.


What do you get up to when you visit the seaside? Write down three things that you might do there. Draw a picture of yourself doing one of these activities and email it to We’d love to see it.


Lawrence made Tula the turtle, what animal will you create? Send a photo of your animal to Let us know why you created what you did and how you made it! We can’t wait to learn about your own coast and the different animals that live on it.

We want to learn about coasts all around the world. Answer the questions below to help us learn a bit more about a seaside near you:

  • Where do you live and does your country have a coastline? If not pick a country to research which does.
  • How many people live by the coast in your country? 
  • How big is your coastline? The Maldives has 1,129km2 of coast!
  • Is there a lot of erosion along your coastline? Is there an area with more erosion?
  • Is the rising sea level a threat to your coastline?


You’ve seen Lawrence and Pip conduct a beach profile, now it’s your turn! In the next video, Lawrence will show you how. There are a lot of steps to the experiment in the next video, so feel free to pause it while Lawrence talks and take your time. You’ll need to have this spreadsheet on your screen in front of you to help you with your data and graphs (or you can print it out if that is easier):

Download the excel spreadsheet for your data collection.


That was a pretty big experiment! We hope you managed to create a beach and measure it. Email your pictures of your beach and report to

Where do you think would be the best place to construct buildings on your beach? Is there a lot of erosion (loss of rocks or sand which makes the beach narrower) or accretion (sand deposits which makes the beach wider)?


Thank you so much for joining and we can’t wait to see you next week where Pip will be showing you the wonderful world of corals! Sea you then!

Remember to share what you’ve written, drawn and discovered today by emailing our team at or get your parents to tag us on social media @SixSensesLaamu and #GrowWithSixSenses.

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