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Junior Marine Biology: Week 9

It’s time to tell your story and inspire others to help you protect the things you care about! There’s no single best way to share your science. It depends what you want to share, and who you want to share it with.

There are worksheets after videos 1 and 2 that can be printed before you start. Use the topic worksheet to help you research what you’d like to tell a story about, and use the movie worksheet to help you plan your stop motion movie (you might need help from a parent to film it). You’ll also need to get creative and upcycle a waterbottle and pen lid for the third activity.

Once you’re ready to get started, go ahead and press play on the first video.


Last year, we told the story of seagrass and inspired others to protect it. As a result, over 900,000 square meters (equivalent to 225 football pitches) of seagrass in the Maldives are protected! This proves that storytelling makes a big difference. Now it’s your turn. What story will you tell? What do you want to protect? The worksheet below will help guide your research (Lawrence has included his research to give you an example). We love hearing from you, so please email a picture of your finished research to and we’ll feature it next week.

Download the Topic Research Worksheet here.

Watch our seagrass virtual reality film here.


It’s time to create your own stop motion masterpiece based on the topic you researched. As Lawrence said, planning, shooting and editing a stop motion movie can take time, and it’s best to do it all in one go, so make sure you have enough time. The worksheet will help you plan it. Having a detailed plan is important so that once you start filming you don’t forget what you want to say.  

Download the Movie Planning Worksheet here.

Lights, camera, ACTION! In your plan, you will have decided what characters will be involved and what scene it will be set in. Make sure you make all of these characters and props first (paper works well or play dough or Lego too!).

We can’t wait to see your finished videos! Please send them to us at (if they are too big, ask mum or dad to help you WeTransfer them)


Create a hands-on science experience and prepare to get wet.... Send us a photo of your water bottle and diver, did it work? Were the people around you able to figure it out? And could they explain why the diver goes up and down? Let us know in your email.


As Lawrence said, next week will be our final episode of Junior Marine Biology online. We want you to be part of our story. Please send in a short video: you can say anything you like. All of your fellow junior marine biologists around the world will see it, so saying your name and where you live is a good start. After that, why not tell a joke, share a fun fact or explain why you love the ocean? Email you video to (or if it is too big you can WeTransfer it).

Thank you for joining us today! Remember to share what you’ve written, drawn and discovered by emailing our team at or get your parents to tag us on social media @SixSensesLaamu and #GrowWithSixSenses.

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