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Six Senses: Sustainable Resort & Hotel Practices

There’s no better designer than nature, and we have a duty to respect it. But who says sustainable can’t be sumptuous? Or travel can’t be purposeful? In our world, it can.

Sustainable is not something that we do; it is who we are

For us, being environmentally friendly and socially responsible can be successfully wedded to uncompromisingly gorgeous hideaways. Empty of waste, toxins and plastic, and full of spirituality, celebration and joy.

Plastic Freedom

Our journey to eliminate plastic started when the brand was founded in the mid- 1990s and has been recorded ever since by dedicated sustainability teams at each property. This ethos has always been a hit with our guests so why stop there? We’re now on a mission to inspire the entire hotel industry to reduce plastic usage through 82 tried and tested solutions that prove positive action is possible. The end of plastic is only the start of the story: here’s how we (and you) make a difference.

Our approach to sustainability

We’re all part of a global community on a shared Earth. That’s why you don’t just observe the local heritage or ecology while you’re with us – you’re part of it. You can even help us give back to it.


Making smart use of the land topography, orientation and renewable building materials to create spaces that are vibrant and alive.


Employing and sourcing locally and leaving a legacy through education, sanitation and healthcare programs for future generations.


Preserving and rebuilding environments through our responsible operations and protecting habitats on land and in the water.

Plastic Freedom

82 tried and tested solutions to plastic items in the four main areas of a hotel’s operations – housekeeping, back of house, food and beverage, and spa.

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Sustainability funds at each property are used locally on social or environmental projects.

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Inside Hotel

From passive cooling to energy efficiency, electric transport, biodegradable cleaning products and Earth Labs.

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Sustainability Fund

Our sustainability fund comprises 0.5 percent of revenues, 100 percent soft toy sales and donations, and 50 percent of house-bottled water sales. The money is used locally in a way that supports equal access to an improved quality of life for all and restore habitats and wildlife populations.

Farm to Fork

Each property has an organic garden, which provides the resort’s kitchens with fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits as well as a range of ingredients for our spas and Alchemy Bars. Hens produce fresh eggs from their comfortable coops with surround sound. Come and get your hands dirty foraging for clean food!

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