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Earth Lab

Showcasing our efforts to reduce consumption and produce locally

Six Senses Earth Lab serves as a place dedicated to engagement and innovation. This is where we communicate the work happening on and off site at each of our properties, for example marine conservation, forestry or farming initiatives, harnessing renewable energy from solar or biomass, and bottling drinking water. It also displays our consumption data including water, energy and waste.

Join the fun

All guests and hosts are welcome to join us and learn some handy life hacks, such as making do-it-yourself compost and chemical-free detergent or extracting the essential oils from herbs grown in our organic gardens. Children can join in foraging, farming and recycling during Grow With Six Senses activities. For an unconventional souvenir, Earth Lab’s seed bank allows guests to grow organic produce back home.

Understanding upcycling

Our hosts are unbelievably creative when it comes to upcycling. Be it by crushing glass and creating beautiful ornaments or cheese cutting boards or by utilizing leftover materials from a refurbishment to build new furniture. Most properties also collect used candles, melt them and create new ones. We truly believe in a zero waste philosophy.

  • All natural

    All natural

    Compost from food waste serves a natural fertilizer, which is used in our organic gardens to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. Natural insecticides are distilled from plants and used as an organic alternative to chemical sprays. Biologically active cleaning solutions are grown in batches and used to replace chemical cleaners. A library of Zero Waste DIY tutorials, such as making your own toothpaste, is available on the Six Senses YouTube channel.

Grown in not flown in

Fruits and vegetables are harvested from our organic gardens as the foundation for fresh and healthy meals for guests, while always supporting local farmers. Herbs are harvested and distilled on-site to extract essential oils used in spa treatments. Free range chickens produce organic eggs (while listening to relaxing music). We maintain beehives for honey harvesting and to stimulate local crop growth from pollination. Even our goats are put to good use – to process landscaping waste and produce milk for homemade cheeses.

Earth Lab logo

The Earth Lab logo has a rich story behind its design. The hexagons represent nature’s beehive pattern and reflect Earth Lab’s commitment to producing natural products. The design also evokes feelings of scientific discovery, which we aim to inspire in our hosts, guests and community members through educational programming.

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