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Giving back to the earth

Every Six Senses property hosts an organic garden to give back to the earth through composting and building healthy soil. Our landscapes are made up of local and non-invasive plant varieties, many of which are fundamental ingredients for our restaurants and spa treatments, as well as in natural cleaning products that we create ourselves in our Earth Labs. At our environmentally friendly hotels and resorts, we continue to explore how we can keep our habitats healthy and their inhabitants (whether human, hornbill or hammerhead) feeling well.

Designed to blend in

Through localized application of our brand standards and aiming for LEED Silver certification for all new hotels, we drive sophisticated design without being formulaic. By blending new ideas with traditional or locally inspired architecture, each property can take on a life and personality of its own and infuse its own touch.

Inside and out

The Standards for Design and Construction guide our responsible approach and bring economic value to owners through healthy rooms and ventilation, energy efficiency in lighting and equipment, renewable energy production, water efficiency and recycling, passive architecture, building management systems, ozone protection and efficient glazing and building envelopes. Building materials are local and sustainable, and may include certified wood, recycled and rapidly renewable materials as well as natural fibers, fabrics and flooring. In newer properties air conditioning is programmed to automatically turn off when doors are opened, instantly lowering energy consumption.

  • On land

    On land

    Our beautiful terrestrial habitats add value to everyone’s experience (whether human, bee or hornbill), which is why we help them thrive. We support various projects targeting the restoration and conservation of natural habitats such as forests and beaches and work with local farmers, governments and NGOs. Within our resorts we limit chemical use and compost organic matter to regenerate soil and give back to the land.

In the water

The world's oceans are under threat and need help. We are restoring marine habitats through projects such as growing and replanting coral reefs, controlling overfishing through our purchasing policies, funding conservation research, planting seagrass, and protecting nesting turtles on our beaches. All water leaving our properties is treated to a safe standard and we recycle water to irrigate our plants, ensuring our aquatic ecosystems benefit from our operations.

A world of wildlife

Wild animals don’t really want to be disturbed, which is why we try to leave their natural habitats alone and only intervene if we are convinced we’re helping and on the advice of experts. With a dedicated category of our sustainability fund going directly to wildlife projects, we have been able to improve the prospects for some critically endangered species.

Global partnerships

Our corporate value of ‘Global Sensitivity, Local Sensibility’ means addressing worldwide problems at a local level. We cannot achieve success without the collaborative efforts of our partners including the Manta Trust, Blue Marine Foundation, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Olive Ridely Project (and so many more we are just sorry we can’t list them all). We take our hats off to their support and dedication in providing knowledge, expertise and the highest level of commitment to our mutual goals.

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