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Six Senses Sustainability

Plastic Freedom 

We’ve always known that the world can’t recycle its way out of the plastic pollution problem – it’s best to eliminate it. That’s why, in 2018, we launched our intentionally over ambitious Plastic-Free 2022 Initiative to document and remove as much plastic from our operations as possible, tackling the entire lifecycle impacts. This learning resulted in 82 solutions – some we never thought possible and many pioneered by our Six Senses ‘Plastic Heroes’.

We’re on a mission to share best practices and inspire the entire hotel industry through our Journey to Plastic Freedom Playbook. It documents innovative solutions in four key areas – housekeeping, back of house, food and beverage, and spa.

We’re excited to share our knowledge for free! Download our playbook today, share it with hoteliers worldwide, and join us on our journey to plastic freedom. 

1.1 million coffee capsules could still be polluting the planet had we not eliminated them in 2018, that’s enough to fill 118 school buses.

We’re among the first signatories of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, led by the UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization, which unites businesses, governments, and other organizations behind a common vision and targets to address plastic waste and pollution at its source. 

By taking action in a coordinated and determined manner on plastic pollution, the tourism sector can help preserve and protect the places and wildlife that make destinations worth visiting.

We commit to:

  • eliminate all unnecessary plastic packaging of bathroom amenities, room amenities, and retail spaces.
  • introduce more reusable solutions in the kitchens to replace cling film and plastic packaging of fresh products. 
  • source naturally compostable packing and other materials where appropriate by engaging with our suppliers.
  • working with other hotels and industry partners to share best practices, supplier recommendations, and other information to help us all move away from plastic.
  • eliminate more than 1.5 million plastic bottles, by bottling our own drinking water in reusable glass bottles.
  • use natural materials to substitute everything from plastic straws to toothbrushes, and also crates, cloth bags, bottles, and containers that can be reused and refilled.    

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