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Part of the local fabric

We don’t build castles on hills. Our architecture and building practices follow indigenous designs from local architects and artisans, reflecting our commitment to sustainable hospitality practices. Our food comes from local farmers and fishermen. Our knowledge of the best fishing holes, diving spots, underground and pop-up events is founded on our local relationships. After all, we could not hope to care for you if we did not first care for our people, families and communities we are part of.


Six Senses operates in many remote areas, where access to education can often be a challenge for women, children and young adults. Our learning and education projects support community development and help to shape a brighter future for local communities.

Public infrastructure

All of us - from our top management, to our sustainability managers who drive initiatives, to our hosts at each property, through to our guests - understand that sustainability is about making the most of our natural resources and celebrating what's good in all the locations where we operate. But we’re also there when things aren’t going well, providing valuable funds and resources for disaster relief or badly needed renovations to public institutions.


A specific example of public infrastructure spending is in the case of hospitals. In some destinations, health provision is poor, which is why healthcare in communities is one of our top categories for our Sustainability Fund. This enables us to provide vital medical equipment to local hospitals such as incubators for premature babies.

Clean water and sanitation

Clean water access is another challenge for many of our local communities. We provide clean water and sanitation by leveraging our expertise in filtering and bottling our own high-quality drinking water, combined with educational programming. Water access is a cross-cutting issue and increased access also results in reduced single-use plastic for our communities.

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