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Wealth from waste … and no waste at all

What is Earth Lab? Earth Lab is a place where every Six Senses property showcases their sustainability efforts to reduce consumption, produce locally, and support communities and ecosystems. Guests are invited to visit Earth Lab to reconnect with the natural world and learn some simple life-hacks that will allow them to make a difference. The venue was named Earth to celebrate our home and source of all life, and Lab for laboratory, experimentation, innovation, and exploration.

Each Six Senses property has an Earth Lab focused on reducing consumption and reusing materials to serve a new purpose. For example, glass is crushed and upcycled into flower pots, paving stones and light fixtures.

You can have a go at making your own products thanks to our Earth Lab tutorials!

Bringing new life to old wood

Have you ever wondered what happens to the excess timber that results from resort maintenance? In true Six Senses style, Six Senses Yao Noi promises, “waste not, want not” with the addition of a timber yard.

Sustainability and environmental consciousness remain at the heart of every Six Senses resort, down to the bare timbers. Once our specialists at Six Senses Yao Noi in Southern Thailand have removed the timber from the villas, it is transported to the timber yard. There it is sorted into different grades by hosts, depending on the quality and status of the wood. The timber will then be sent to the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) workshop to be repurposed into furniture, made into charcoal for energy or sent to the wood chipper to be turned into compost.

The waste timber has since allowed Six Senses Yao Noi to build a new educational center, the Hornbill Club, which provides a host of activities and experiences for our younger guests. For families seeking educational vacation ideas, Earth Lab and the Hornbill Club offer engaging, hands-on activities that inspire learning while fostering a connection to sustainability and the natural world.

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Double platinum

Mindful and soulful travel starts from the ground up. With exemplary LEED Platinum hotel certification in Saudi Arabia and India, and LEED Gold in Rome, enjoy an eco-retreat to the last brick.

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