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Caring About You So You Can Be Carefree

As we take to the skies once again, we remain committed to providing peace of mind when you are staying with us so you can relax and reconnect in a comfortable and safe environment.

Your travel destination may be subject to state or local laws that require isolation or quarantine upon entry, or other mandates, such as wearing a face mask (nose and mouth) while in public spaces. Ensure that you review any requirements prior to travel and plan accordingly.

Local Area Vaccine Mandates: some destinations globally may be under a local area vaccine mandate. Prior to traveling, you are also encouraged to review local legislation related to Covid-19 for destinations you plan to visit.

Our Enhanced Cleanliness Standards

We continue to live by our responsible and caring value which means being consistent with our already high standards around hygiene, sanitization, and cleaning. We have listed some of the extra steps taken in addition to these rigorous routines to reflect the advice and guidance of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local health authorities on a country-by-country basis to ensure what we are doing is correct, comprehensive, and effective.

Public Spaces and Facilities:  Frequent sanitization of high-touch surfaces, high-traffic areas such as receptions, welcome lounges, and waiting areas, restaurants and related facilities, washrooms, libraries, boutiques, experience centers, and meeting rooms.

Food and Beverage: Strict delivery measures, enhanced training protocols, food handling standards, and sanitation guidelines.

Guest Rooms: Additional cleaning processes for daily housekeeping service during the stay and after departure, and improved protocols around handling guest items and laundry.

Spas and Fitness Centers: Cleaning and sanitization of treatment rooms, facilities, and all equipment between each appointment, wet facilities accessible via a prior appointment only, reduction or removal of high-touch-items, and additional deep cleaning of all surfaces as well as enhanced protocols around handling laundry.

Taking Care of our Hosts

The health and well-being of our hosts remain our top priority, along with providing a safe environment for them to work in while looking after our guests.

As a community with wellness at its core, our highest priority is our duty of care to your health, safety, and well-being. Ultimately, we will do everything we can to support you in whatever you feel is best for you and your loved ones.

For more detailed information contact the resort directly.

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