Vacations are a great time away from routine for youngsters to understand more about what's going on inside them and in the world around them. And who says it can't be fun! Grow With Six Senses incorporates the six dimensions of wellness (social, environmental, physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual) so kids can reconnect with nature and gain useful life skills through play.
Our health and wellness programs for kids vary from resort to resort, but the focus is on out-of-the-ordinary experiences: everything from the active (flying yoga, organic gardening, cooking workshops) to the relaxing (spa treatments, simple meditation, singing bowl workshops) and the creative with a local twist (Vietnamese origami, Portuguese tile painting, basic Arabic). It’s an adventure, and as they journey through each activity, they’ll get a new stamp for their personal Six Senses passport.
Six Senses
Get in Touch
Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas
Park Ventures Ecoplex,
57 Wireless Road, Bangkok 10330