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Pay attention, get real with yourself

Mindfulness cultivates our ability to live in the present, to become more aware, to listen better and to appreciate what we have in life thanks to paying more attention. It's like having a coach who helps you foster a healthier relationship with your feelings and thoughts no matter what comes your way.

Anytime anywhere meditation

We can't argue with our ancestors. For thousands of years, meditation has helped practitioners to effectively fight worry, stress, lack of clarity and more. Modern studies show that regular practice can help you improve concentration skills, find more emotional positivity and gain a calmer way of seeing the true nature of things. It can also alter your epigenome and promote a longer lifespan.

At Six Senses, you can enjoy group meditation classes or private sessions with experienced in-house practitioners. In the short term, it will help you “check in” and focus. In the long run it can bring balance and laughter back into your life and help you to reconnect with others and yourself on a more meaningful level.

Mindfulness practices

At some of our locations, we have incorporated mindfulness practices into our treatment protocols to promote stillness, happiness and well-being. You'll be encouraged to set positive intentions through breathing and visualization techniques, while chanting and singing bowls bring your body into harmony with its surroundings.

We encourage you to practice a moment of beholding, allowing you to experience yourself as you are and find meaning in something that has just happened.

When life is busy, it is not easy to remember that a sense of wonder and awe is essential for leading a passionate life. We can offer you a little time and space to help you reconnect with your sense of wonder so you can allow yourself to be more playful by asking questions that look for experience.

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