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Keep on moving, even when traveling

One of the most powerful ways to connect with ourselves is through simply moving our feet. It boosts energy levels, reduces stress and improves both physical and mental health. What's more, it makes us feel happier. Research shows that even 20 minutes of exercise can give you mood-boosting benefits for up to 12 hours afterward.

It’s a gym but not as you know it

Things have moved on from sweat, squats and spandex to HIIT, wearables, CrossFit programs and more. Our science-informed fitness spaces bring together the right balance of cardio equipment and weight machines with pioneering functional and core movement techniques, so you can experience different fitness methods, classes and programs. We look at your “whole” where body workouts are also in tune with the more mental aspects of wellness such as goal setting.

Don't know where to start? Our personal trainers guide you and tailor the workout specifically to your needs ... and you are encouraged to go at your own pace. Our coaching is designed to be inspiring, enjoyable and personal.

Thrive better in a group of people with a common goal? From circuit training, abs and core sessions to boot camp classes, there are plenty of group workouts for you to join while staying with us.

Jungle gyms, running trails and workouts on the beach are available if you like to soak up the benefits of the outdoors, boost the levels of Vitamin D or just enjoy the views. Or simply take time out and release some endorphins on natural trail walk.

Strike the pose

We love yoga! It helps improve posture and flexibility, prevent injuries, boost energy, unlock the mind and sustain balance and harmony when faced with a daily dose of stress. What's more, when we start to feel great and young on the inside, we shine on the outside too.

At Six Senses, you can try yoga at outdoor pavilions and be rewarded with lovely views from every angle (downward dog, triangle, warrior or tree pose). Or add an upside-down dimension to your yoga practice and stimulate the release of happy hormones by giving aerial yoga a whirl. Need some help with sleep? Yoga nidra aims to induce a deep state of relaxation, reducing your stress levels and improving your ZZZs.

Get ready to strengthen your core with our Pilates classes. Don't be put off when your brows sweat and legs shake: over time, and with a bit of practice, you'll learn all about controlling every inch of your body.

Known as meditation in motion, tai chi focuses on the healing properties of qi (life force). Through gentle movements and focused breathing, the mind becomes relaxed and the body strengthened.

Group and private classes are available across Six Senses resorts.

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