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Wellness stories

Based on science, written like fiction. From chanting monks in Bhutan to smoothies in Samui and beating jet lag like astronauts, here are all the things that made us go "huh". From tried and tested methods handed down through generations at our resorts to the latest tech: if it's about wellness we try to cover it.

Global Wellness Day

With the slogan ‘one day can change your life’, since 2012, Global Wellness Day has shone a light on a need we all share: to live well both physically and emotionally, be healthier, and look better.

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Biohacking, or Bioharmonising?

Evidence is mounting that biohacking technologies can effectively slow down the rate of aging. But which ones should you try, and how should you incorporate them into your life? Medical Director Dr. Tamsin Lewis reports from the RoseBar at Six Senses Ibiza.

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Our first dedicated wellness retreat

We’re starting the New Year with a journey of self-discovery, health, and healing in the Himalayan foothills of India. Six Senses has brought the much-loved and well-established Vana into our portfolio to offer a new take on ancient wisdom.

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Spring clean your fitness routine

Much like our minds, our bodies get used to and bored of the same things on repeat. From a fitness perspective, this means that by doing what you have always done, you won’t continue to achieve the same results (sorry).

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Biohack your sleep

Biohacking sounds futuristic, but it is simply a way to quickly recover from travel or exercise to get the most out of your time with us and feel great at home. Here’s how to use some simple biohacks to improve how you sleep.

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Breathing beauty

Everyone is talking about breathwork, but what is it? This newish term means consciously breathing in a certain way for better performance or therapeutic effect. Results can be instant and long-lasting!

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Nature to Nurture at Six Senses Douro Valley

As potent healing agents, plants are nature’s magic. From pickles to body scrubs, here’s how to use the abundance of homegrown, natural ingredients at Six Senses Douro Valley, Portugal to heal you inside and out.

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Hack your holiday

Biohacking sounds futuristic, but it’s simply a way to quickly recover from travel or jet-lag and get the most out of your stay. From the Venom Back Wrap to Compression Boots, you won’t just climb mountains, you’ll be ready to move them.

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Slow food, soul food

How we grow, source, serve and not waste food impacts our guests, environment and local cultures and livelihoods. Home or locally grown food deserves love and attention, so at Six Senses Kaplankaya and Six Senses Douro Valley, we go slow.

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When things got scientific, spiritual and psychedelic

Whether seeking a release, a revelation, or restoration, Six Senses Kaplankaya is open through the winter for wellness. High altitude training, yoga, Watsu, Deep Trance Light Therapy and a 35-treatment room spa, you’re in for a trip.

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