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Best spas for your soul

Our spa-ahh therapists are on hand with a whole range of soul-soothing massages, skin-purifying scrubs and signature treatments that use locally sourced ingredients. In the meantime, check the bottom of the article for details about self-care you can do at home.

Six Senses Spa Elounda

On the north coast of eastern Crete, Elounda is a pretty and well-protected bay. With individual treatment rooms sharing glorious views across tranquil turquoise waters, Six Senses Spa Elounda has won several top awards including Best Spa in Greece (Spafinder Readers’ Choice), Most Progressive Detox Program (Condé Nast Traveller Spa Awards) and more recently the Seven Stars Award (Seven Star Lifestyle and Hospitality Awards).

Latest treats:

  • Alchemy Hammam Experience: Start your journey by setting a positive intention before our Spa Alchemist invites you to work with a variety of locally sourced ingredients, feel their textures, smell the wonderful aromas and create personalized products for your journey. The experience includes a scrub in a warm hammam, personalized full body massage, application of the body mask in the rasul and it’s completed with a nourishing moisturize.
  • Hyper Advance Beauty Retreat: This brings years of innovation via Biologique Research “hyper –customized” treatments and clinical skincare innovation. The scientific and medical approach is the foundation of a methodology formed from the combination of pure concentrated raw ingredients, cold–formulated in a French laboratory as well as innovative protocols.  
  • Face Yoga Workshop: Join us for a memorable spa workshop where you’ll learn a series of more than 70 poses to smooth fine lines, minimize wrinkles, stop the skin on your face from sagging and sharpen face contours. The tension in your face muscles will reduce and your face will look tighter and brighter with a beautiful natural glow. Facial yoga achieves what no cosmetic product can achieve because it accesses the inner body through drainage, toning, relaxation and nutrition, all acting in synergy.

Six Senses Spa Mykonos 

Staying in Greece, let’s hop islands. Known for its amazing beaches and great nightlife (it is actually just one long party), you may be forgiven for catching a few too many rays and not catching enough sleep while on Mykonos.

That’s why it feels extra blissful to enter the calming classic white walls, marble floors, timber features and Aegean blues of Six Senses Spa Mykonos.

Latest treats:

  • Tibetan Tummo Workshop with Isaac Vidjrakou: Meaning “inner fire”, Tummo is an ancient meditation technique practiced by monks in Tibetan Buddhism. Using breathing and visualization techniques, you enter a deep state of meditation to increase your inner heat, unblock any obstacle in the energy centers known as Chakras, and raise that energy up to the heart to produce the “bliss” we all are searching for.
  • Feminine Flow Retreat: Reawaken sensual desire and libido through yoga, heart meditation, breathwork kundalini sessions, Zensual massage and energy healing. The retreat also includes a private consultation and life reading inspired by Kabbalah tradition.
  • Visiting Practitioners: Returning experts in 2021 include our holistic rejuvenating practitioner, Chinese medicine and hypnotherapy specialist, facialist and aesthetician, and energy healer and yoga teacher. 

Six Senses Spa Marbella 

Water and steam. Heat and ice. Sea and earth. Six Senses Spa Marbella combines the elements with the senses to create a fully immersive experience. The massages and wellness rituals use natural ingredients sourced from southern Spain including extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and mountain herbs.

Latest treats:

  • Mediterranean Breeze: This treatment includes a stimulating body exfoliation using a herbal scrub infused with sea salt and olive oil to remove dead skin cells. It continues with the application of warm oil to re-mineralize the skin, leaving a long lasting feeling of well-being. It completes with a personalized back massage concentrating on areas of concern.
  • Hydrotherapy: Relax in the tranquil wet area that features the Signature Hammam, a deeply cleansing and refreshing experience starting with a scalp ritual and rejuvenating hair mask. It concludes with a gentle exfoliation using homemade aromatic soap to stimulate and rehydrate the skin.

Six Senses Spa Douro Valley 

The winter has provided a golden opportunity to spruce up the spa and fitness equipment at Six Senses Douro Valley. This includes a hydrotherapy circuit with powerful jets to soothe the legs, lumbar and neck and new underwater sensory experiences. The LED cromotherapy creates a constant color sequence while the underwater soothing sound therapy offers different vibes during the day. There is a hot tub to improve blood flow and cold plunge pool to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The yoga room will also take on a whole new dimension.

Ayurveda at Six Senses Spa Kaplankaya 

As the popularity of yoga and meditation rise around the world, so too has interest in Ayurveda. This 5,000-year-old (give or take) Indian "science of life" focuses on healing imbalances in body’s doshas. According to Ayurveda, we are born with our unique ratio of three doshas or energy types, which include pitta, vata and kapha. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that each person has some vata, pitta and kapha in them, but that one or two may be dominant. Stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet or emotional imbalances disturb this energy equilibrium and can show up as a disease. Ayurvedic practitioners aim to bring the doshas back into balance.

Personal consultation

At Six Senses Spa Kaplankaya, our Ayurvedic Doctors offer a personal consultation to help you determine your dosha and recommend a treatment that best fits your needs.

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