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Biohacking, or Bioharmonising?

Longevity programs at the RoseBar are highly personalized journeys. Comprehensive diagnostic tests are interpreted by the team of medical experts and incorporated into a program that includes nutritional support, exercise, biohacking recommendations, and specific treatments that combine longevity science with an introduction to spiritual pathways.

If you feel that your body and mind could be functioning better, but don’t know how to get there or indeed what you need, assess and restore with a 1-, 3-, or 7-day RoseBar Longevity Program at Six Senses Ibiza.

As an example, the 3-day longevity program includes:

  • Wellness consultation
  • Advanced Diagnostics
  • Body Composition
  • Comprehensive wellness screening
  • Functional Medicine Consultation with a resident doctor
  • Personalized Nutrition Consultation
  • Biohacking Therapies
  • Personal Training or Yoga Session
  • Six Senses Signature Spa treatment
  • Group Meditation and Breathwork
  • Energy Medicine

But what do we mean by biohacking? RoseBar’s Medical Director Dr. Tamsin Lewis reports:

“Ten years ago, biohacking outliers were waking up and doing several biohacks before breakfast. Cold showers, fasting, MCT oil in their coffee. Back then these enthusiasts were considered fringe, but evidence is mounting that many of these hacks can make a real difference. Many of them can be done quickly, easily and for free, some require specialized equipment.

At Rosebar we prefer the term ‘bioharmonising’ to biohacking. Biohacking implies a continual state

of putting yourself under tension. Better to follow a program of gradual improvements that will strengthen your physiology and psychology, whilst giving your body enough time to repair and regenerate. Consulting an expert about what would work best for you, your body and your lifestyle will help you design the optimum program.


Essentially the use of extreme cold to freeze and remove abnormal tissue. Administered in a temperature-controlled chamber, cryotherapy has a myriad of benefits from treating skin issues to burning fat. By improving brown adipose fat tissue production, which is very metabolically active, it is particularly effective at burning calories.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

There is compelling evidence to support the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. An Israeli study published two years ago proved how the treatment could slow down the rate of aging. By increasing the amount of oxygen into your body, it puts you into a parasympathetic recovery state, where all the cellular processes become much more efficient. Oxygen is infused into cells, and the body effectively repairs and heals better. Medically, it is used to speed up the healing of carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, wounds that won’t heal, and infections in which tissues are starved for oxygen. As a biohack it will regenerate cells and also give you an energetic boost. With increased adrenaline production you will also experience increased brain clarity.


Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy stimulates regeneration and metabolism at a cellular level. Used by top athletes and NASA scientists to help cells regain their positive charge, PEMK provides a grounding field of energy in the body in which the body’s cells are able to work more efficiently.

Normatec acupressure boots

A next generation recovery system that fits an electric pulse to the legs via a pair of compression boots. Benefits include decreased muscle tension and inflammation, increased range of motion and flexibility, and increased circulation. Particularly effective for improving muscle recovery post exercise, decreasing any swelling in the legs post flights, and treating lower leg pain.

Hypoxic interval training

Think of HIT as a ‘cell gym’: by limiting the amount of oxygen into the body, hypoxic interval training will increase the efficiency of your body’s oxygen usage. This gives the body a stimulus to produce new red blood cells which improves how much oxygen the body can carry. Used to treat disease, manage fatigue and boost athletic performance.

Hot and cold therapy

There’s a reason why cultures all over the world for thousands of years have indulged in hot and cold bathing. Heat therapy, or hypothermic conditioning, clears toxins including heavy metals like mercury through sweat. (Don’t forget to replace lost salts with an electrolyte drink). Hypothermic sessions induce heat shock proteins which protect cell function and stability via a hormetic effect. Also heat therapy is an exercise ‘proxy’, in that it stimulates similar effects to exercise, encouraging cardiovascular adaptations and lowering blood pressure and heart disease risk. It is also shown to support mental health by encouraging the release of endorphins and increasing blood flow to the brain. Heat therapy also encourages the growth of hormone levels which is inherently anti-aging. Cold plunge encourages the metabolism of brown fat cells, helping to burn calories (we lose this ability as we age). Cold therapy also releases adrenaline in the brain which acts as an antidepressant, boosting immune function and blood circulation.


Otherwise known as a ‘red light sauna’, photobiomodulation improves mood, mitochondrial function and cognitive function. It does this by directly supp- lying energy (in the form of light) to mitochondria, the energy batteries of cells. In turn this helps the mitochondria relieve inflammation, stiffness and soreness by increasing blood circulation (delivering more oxygen rich blood for a faster recovery) and carrying off more metabolic waste products. It also supports skin integrity by stimulating collagen production.”

Dr. Tamsin Lewis applies the art of science and longevity to practice. A medical doctor who graduated with honors from Kings College and Guys and Thomas’s hospital, London. She holds a BSc in neuroscience and the biology of aging and has specialist training in psychiatry and sports medicine. She is a member of The Royal College of Psychiatrists and trustee of the British Society for Lifestyle Medicine and is a former GB elite triathlete.

If your energy levels are feeling sluggish and lower than usual, you have brain fog, or just want to look better and get your sparkle back, speak to our RoseBar experts at Six Senses Ibiza to discuss which program might be right for you.

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