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Healthy food that kids actually want to eat? Say what now?

Nutrition is important for children, as it shapes brain development, metabolism and overall well-being. Following the success of Eat With Six Senses for grown ups, our properties are serving up healthier meal options for kids too.

Researchers have consistently found that an unhealthy diet is related to depression, low mood and anxiety in children. Kids can literally eat their way to happiness; however, they can also be fussy eaters and may not be easily convinced to eat a plate of greens. And of course, you also want to allow your kids some tasty treats on vacation.

We hear you, which is why we ensure your family’s meal options are both nutritious and delicious. We choose whole and minimally processed foods, incorporate more fruit and vegetables, avoid added sugar and keep the salt in check. It doesn’t mean our chefs can’t offer up all-time classics – they just give them a healthy twist. Veggie burgers, gluten-free pasta and summer rolls filled with fresh fruit and ingredients from the organic garden are always popular choices and completely empty of processed rubbish.

We also encourage children to get involved in their own food and drink preparation, for example by picking their favorite ingredients from the resort’s organic garden to create a non-alcoholic mocktail. This can act as a powerful incentive for them to try out new tastes in a fun and relaxed environment and a handful of healthy veggies often goes completely unnoticed.

If they're screaming for ice cream, don't worry. At Six Senses resorts, these tempting treats are handmade, full of local, healthy ingredients and a spectrum of natural flavors. The only thing missing is the bad stuff. From banana peanut butter to local mountain honey and raisins or homegrown blackberry, it is always ice cream o’clock in one of our destinations worldwide.

Perhaps it is no coincidence stressed backwards reads desserts.

There are also take-home nutritional programs available for parents to help make healthier choices back home.

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Switch on your longevity genes

The pioneering Grow a New Body program doesn’t just repair hormonal imbalance – it can begin to heal the process of aging altogether. Founder Dr. Alberto Villoldo explains more about living longer, healthier and happier.

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