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How to open your heart chakra

The chakras are the main energy centers of the body. There are seven in total, with the fourth chakra, Anahata or the heart chakra, representing our ability to love and be loved. With an open heart chakra, you can achieve true compassion and empathy—for others and yourself – and connection to everything you encounter. 

Where is the heart chakra?

The heart chakra is in the center of your chest, just above your heart.

What are the signs of a blocked heart chakra?

An imbalanced heart chakra may result in you feeling unworthy or unable to trust in yourself or others. There can be physical signs too, such as poor circulation, high or low blood pressure or general stiffness in your shoulders, chest and upper back.

How can we realign the heart chakra?

When the heart chakra is balanced, you will feel more confident and connected to the world, surrounded by love, compassion and joy.

To feel your heart chakra, try placing your index finger at the base of your thumb. On the same hand, place the tip of your middle and ring finger at the tip of the thumb. Make the same gesture with your other hand. Sit in a cross-legged position (or whatever is comfortable) and place both of your hands by your side. Close your eyes and think about the things that make your heart expand: a loved one or pet, a special place, or a warm, magnetic energy emanating from within you.

Take a few deep breaths and settle into your body. Bring your awareness to your chest, notice how you feel and allow any discomfort to fall down your body into the earth.

Now, begin to see a bright green light emanating from the center of your chest. Go with whatever shade of green you see and visualize it filling the space around your heart.

Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out visualize circuits of your energy transferring messages of love to all the people you cherish in your life. As you breathe in, feel the energy of their love returning to you. On another breath out, visualize your energy carrying messages of love into the world around you, connecting with the energy of nature and all of life. As you breathe in, feel the love returning to you.

This is a great practice to help you relax before falling asleep at night.  

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