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Our first dedicated wellness retreat

Named after the sal forest we take refuge in and spread over 21 acres, Six Senses Vana aims to protect and nurture, providing space to discover and flourish. Ayurveda, Yoga, Tibetan Medicine, and Natural Healing Therapies combine with a rich daily movement schedule, deep commitment, and personalized support. Nourishing cuisine, experiences for all the senses, and a kind-hearted team complete the retreat.

General Manager Jaspreet Singh sums up the intention behind the retreat, “From the moment you arrive, when your forehead is dotted with crimson, and you don your loose-fitting kurta pajamas, to the moment you leave, and your wrist is tied with a red-string blessing, this soothing space serves as a leveler, where you can come as you are and connect to each other and nature without hindrance. Even if you are a regular retreat-goer, everyone is unique; therefore, Six Senses Vana approaches your health and wellness in a way that’s unique to you.”

Your foundation

As Jaspreet says, there is no one common objective, and retreats will vary depending on the length of stay, how deep you wish to go, and the level of independence or support you feel you need. Every stay includes full-board accommodation and personalized nutrition, daily retreat activities, wellness consultation and screening, and attire to wear.

Elevating the experience

Once you’re here, you can boost the impact with optional extras such as Subtle Energies treatments, acupuncture, reflexology, realignment, or a pampering mani-pedi. 

Adding intention

There’s also the option to tailor your itinerary by choosing a program based on a specific wellness intention, with diagnostics and targeted guidance from the experts. Programs are built around Sleep, Detox, Weight Management, Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tibetan Medicine. Indeed, Six Senses Vana is one of the few places in the world where Sowa Rigpa is formally offered in its complete avatar.

High tech meets high touch

Six Senses Vana is a great place to relieve common issues like back pain and inflammation and enjoy a kick start to your overall healing process. Compression therapy, heated back belts and massage percussion devices are available on arrival to take the edge off your long journey. The wellness screening measures 40 biomarkers and, when coupled with the doctor’s consultation, adds science to ancient wisdom.

Try out our multi-sensory treatments, for example, floating in the warmth of the Watsu pool or meditating to Raag therapy, which brings out positive emotions as you lie listening to the hypnotic sounds of the flute.

Adding a Six Senses touch

While the original intention, along with the existing team, remains mostly unchanged, and the ownership remains with Veer Singh Ji, we’ll be complementing the current offering with signature experiences. Our popular Alchemy Bar and Grow With Six Senses activities will be gradually introduced, along with a Cinema Paradiso, a lifestyle concept store, and further cultural programming.

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