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Why everyone is going crazy for a traditional Thai poultice

Fragrant compresses using Thai herbs and spices induce relaxation, relieve fatigue, boost well-being, assist body alignment and improve circulation and lymphatic system function. What’s not to love about getting hands on?

There is some debate about whether herbal compress massage was first introduced to Thailand by Buddhist monks or originated from folk medicine and passed on through manuscripts that changed hands from master to student. What’s more certain is the health benefit in terms of relaxation, relieving aches, pains and anxiety, and healing multiple ailments: from inflammation to chest congestion, arthritis, migraine and skin conditions.

In Thailand, the poultice blends fragrant herbs and spices, which are usually wrapped in cotton sheets and then steam-heated. This procedure allows the herbs’ essential oils to be released, providing the foundation for a nutrient-rich massage for relaxing the muscles and stimulating blood circulation.

The Thai Herbal Compress Massage is available in many of our spas including Six Senses Spa Zighy Bay in Oman, Six Senses Spa Douro Valley in Portugal, Six Senses Spa in Yao Noi in Thailand.

Ayurvedic medicine favors hot rice bags, where the rice can be plain or mixed with herbs and spices to heal specific conditions. The texture of the grains revitalizes and cleanses the tissues and helps tone up areas prone to cellulite.

At our Six Senses Alchemy Bars you can blend your own choice of herbs and essential oils for your poultice. For example, at Six Senses Spa Kaplankaya you are guided to blend your chosen ingredients into herbal poultices during the Rejuvenating Herbal Quartz Poultice Journey. The nourishing poultice could include rose buds or petals, which are hydrating and nurturing, or chamomile or lavender flowers known for their healing properties. Red pepper flakes, cardamom, rosemary and black pepper can be used in the muscle melt poultice which will release spasms and pains, stimulate circulation, while having anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits as well.

The poultices are used during a personalized dry massage, which is performed on a heated quartz bed. The bed is tilted so that the head is lower than your feet, in a deeply relaxing zero gravity position that decompresses the spine to relieve pressure and aches. A relaxing head massage concludes the treatment while the body is cocooned in the warmth of the bed.

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