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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Ana Mattos

Osteopath, Naturopath, Wellness Coach

Ana initially worked as a nurse in her homeland Brazil, where she specialized in the areas of intensive care, post cardiac surgery and women's health. While living in New Zealand, she trained in Sports Massage therapy, Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies and developed an interest for manual therapies. After relocating to London (UK) Ana went on to study osteopathic medicine and graduated from The British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) in 2004, following with a Master’s in pediatric osteopathy and further training in cranial osteopathy.

Osteopathy, Structural and Cranial

Ana focuses on optimizing muscle–skeletal and general health by treating structural and mechanical imbalances and dysfunctions. It can help treat many conditions related to the spine, joints, ligaments, connective tissue, and internal organs. Including sports injuries and arthritic changes. Using techniques ranging from active deep tissue muscular, joint mobilization and manipulation, cranial, acupuncture and assisted stretch, all tailor-made and individual.

Pediatric Osteopathy for Babies and Children

Using a gentle approach to Osteopathy suitable for children and babies from 0 to 18 years. A Pediatric osteopathic check-up is helpful after birth to rule out any possible mechanical strains. As a child grows, they may develop aches and pains from minor falls and sports injuries that can lead to imbalances in their musculoskeletal structures. Osteopathy can assist in maintaining the structural balance of a growing body and may help prevent developing mechanical dysfunctions in adulthood.

Western Acupuncture

Also known as Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy or Intramuscular Manual Therapy. It uses acupuncture-type needles inserted into muscles (trigger points) to ease muscular pain and improve joint mobility. It is commonly used for Sports Injury, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, and generalized Muscle Pain. This treatment is helpful for sports injury and chronic muscle tension; it provides deep work in the muscle’s tissues trigger points, stimulating localized blood circulation to the area, allowing relaxation, and improving pain and discomfort.

Sports Massage Therapy

A tailor-made deep tissue massage technique developed to prevent and treat sports injuries, increase performance and optimizing recovering of muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. It consists of manual work and passive stretch emphasizing the problem areas.

Pregnancy and Post Partum Massage

This specialized massage was developed to improve well-being and treat pregnant women to recover from aches and pains throughout the pregnancy. It improves blood circulation, promotes relaxation, and relieves aching muscles. It is safe at all stages of pregnancy and post-partum. This massage is adapted for the different stages of pregnancy and post-partum according to the individual needs. Specific exercises can improve mobility and reduce pain and discomfort throughout pregnancy and after birth.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This massage is well known for its profound effect on the immune system and circulation. It stimulates tissue health, reducing the retention of fluids that cause swelling, tiredness, and skin stagnation, like cellulitis. For best results, we recommend a minimum of three sessions.

Functional Health & Wellness Coaching

Together we will find out what your goals are and work towards achieving them. Be it personal, professional or both. Using techniques that may include motivational interviewing, empathic enquiring, confidence building, finding a vision and devising a plan on how to achieve the vision, working with ambivalences and doubts to strengthen self-belief.

Ana Mattos at Six Senses


February 1, 2025 - March 31, 2025


May 15, 2025 - June 15, 2025

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