Naturopath, Hypnotherapist and Yoga
For the past 20 years, Anil has worked in the field of Yoga and wellness in various resorts and organizations in countries including Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. He has visited many Six Senses resorts and we are delighted to have him with us this year.
Dr. Anil specializes in cleansing and detoxifying treatments to eliminate toxins from digestive and respiratory systems by using Yoga and Ayurvedic treatments, pain relief by trigger point therapy and conflict resolutions by hypnotherapy.
You are invited to experience a 20 minute wellness consultation with Anil to understand your needs and a healthy way to balance your lifestyle.
This non-invasive analysis measures your key biomarkers and helps our experts understand what your body really needs. It’s simple, it’s quick and the readings along with a discussion about your lifestyle are used in design of a treatment or a bespoke multi-day program specific to your needs.
Trigger point therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release, stretch, and warm or cold compress. In this therapy, guests actively participate in identifying the exact location and intensity of the pain while assisting in relieving pain through deep breathing techniques. It also helps to release constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain.
This treatment gives the body the opportunity to heal itself; it balances the nervous, circulatory system and flushes out toxins by pumping the lymphatic and circulatory system to provide overall health and wellbeing. It helps relieve pain, muscle stiffness, headaches and balances sleeping disorders. The treatment combines hands-on Asian and western techniques, while activating the parasympathetic nervous system, calming the mind and balancing the hormonal system.
It is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic treatment to remove mucous clogs from the nasal passage. It stimulates the brain cells, alleviates neck problems, insomnia, migraine and ear and throat problems. It is also highly effective in treating sinusitis and chronic cold. Medicated herbal preparations are used for gentle massage over the head, forehead and face followed by Swedana (mild facial steam). Slightly warmed medicated oil is instilled into the nose in prescribed dosage to unclog nose.
Ancient and authentic Yoga techniques are applied to cleanse the entire digestive track and to alleviate digestive problems. It strengthens the immune system, reduces excessive mucus, purifies the blood and helps in weight management.
Are you willing to change and let go the things, memories emotions which bother you and don’t serve you anymore? Hypnotherapy is a method of creating a trance state (an altered state of awareness) within an individual. This either creates the desired outcomes or purges emotional connections to negative experiences. While in a trance state the conscious mind can also connect to an abundance of resources to deal with daily life challenges. This can guide and cultivate new ideas and direction, increasing health and happiness in an individual’s life.
An intense and deep work to heal yourself from inside out with your breath. Yogic breathwork connects the Annamaya Kosha (body), Pranayama Kosha (energetic level) and Manomaya Kosha (mental, emotional bodies). It frees up the entire system from deep rooted traumas and emotional imbalances. After the breathwork you will feel more energetic with a clarity in perception and lightness throughout your body.
Dr Anil will be offering private yoga and meditation classes. Reservations are required.
Prices include tax and service charge.