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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Dr. Aju Raveendran

Ayurvedic Doctor & Integrated Wellness Practitioner

Dr. Aju has a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Kerala and is also a certified yoga teacher. Having worked in both hospitals and wellness spas in India and Fiji, he brings knowledge of combining treatments with therapeutic procedures. He is an expert in Panchakarma (detoxifying the body), Nadi pariksha (pulse diagnosis), Shirodhara (bringing the mind and body in harmony), and associated therapeutic procedures.

Wellness Screening

Understanding what your body is telling you is the perfect place to start your wellness journey. Our experts can build a meaningful plan based on your current reality through a non-invasive screening which analyzes your key physiological biomarkers.

Ayurvedic Consultation

The Ayurvedic consultation explores your physical and emotional health to help you understand your unique energetic constitution or combination of doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) that determine your body type and current imbalances.


Instillation of medicated oil into the nostrils after massaging and inducing sweating to the upper portion of the body from the shoulders. During this process the areas around the nose, neck, and shoulders are massaged continuously. This treatment is highly effective for cleansing sinuses and treating migraines, chronic colds, headaches, and chest congestion.

Ayurveda Back Massage (Kati Pichhu)

Pichu means padding or sponging. It is a unique therapy developed on the basis of the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. It falls in the category of Bahya Snehana (external application of medicated oils). Here a sterile cotton pad is dipped in Ayurvedic oil and placed over the painful joint or sore muscles in conditions like lower back pain, and degenerative arthritis like osteoarthritis of the knee joint or hip joint. 

Indian Head Massage (Shiro Abhyanga)

Shiro Abhyanga is a Sanskrit term comprised of two words: Shiro (head) and Abhyanga (massage). Shiro Abhyanga essentially means a complete massage of the head, neck, and shoulders using Ayurvedic herbal oils. These are the areas that are most affected by stress, which is why Shiro Abhyanga is beneficial in reducing pain and stress in these regions.

Foot Massage (Pada Abhyanga)

Pada Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic foot massage that provides soothing, revitalizing, calming effects and balance disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. The feet are a very important part of our body as they contain many nerve endings and out of the body’s 107 vital marma points, the feet have 5.

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage releases stress, eases muscle tension, boosts circulation and improves mobility, as well as muscle & skin tone. It targets the areas of concern specified by guest and works therapeutically into deeper muscle layers, addressing trigger points with gentle pressure and release techniques.

Holistic Massage

A fully personalized treatment based on each guest’s needs and desired results. It uses a combination of flowing, soothing, rhythmical and medium pressure movements on the specified areas of concern to relieve muscle tension and to bring about a balanced, calm and stress-free state of being.

Tension Soother massage

A reviving back, neck and shoulders massage using therapeutic trigger techniques to relieve muscle tension and restore mobility and alignment of the back and spine.

Dr. Aju Raveendran at Six Senses


January 10, 2025 - December 31, 2025

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