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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Emma Diani


Emma’s journey began in Italy, where she mastered the Mézières-Bertele postural re-education technique, which involves stretching, manual therapy, and diaphragmatic breathing to release tension in the body's muscle chains. Specializing in spinal issues, Emma has assisted individuals of all ages in improving posture and overall well-being. Her comprehensive approach also includes medical lymphatic drainage using the Vodder technique, massage therapy, and reflexology.

The Mezieres Method

This method addresses spinal issues by stretching the main muscle chains from the neck to the feet, promoting balance and optimal function throughout the body. Emma’s approach effectively treats a range of physical problems, including scoliosis, kyphosis, back pain, traumatological injuries, neurological pathologies and those seeking to improve overall well-being. It is also beneficial for injury prevention and muscle recovery in athletes. Additional benefits include improved posture, pain relief, increased range of motion, reduced muscle tension, and improved balance and coordination.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

A buildup of fluid in the body, often caused by post-surgery, trauma, stress, or injury, can feel heavy and uncomfortable. Using the Vodder technique, Emma manually moves and drains excess fluid, helping alleviate poor circulation, puffiness, and low energy levels. This treatment renews, nourishes, strengthens, and regenerates the cells by supporting the removal of waste products and relaxing the nervous system. 

Relief Massage

This relaxing soft tissue massage with firm pressure is an excellent choice for unwinding and relieving muscle tension caused by stress. It particularly benefits individuals who work at a computer all day, helping to ease neck and shoulder tension.


Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is a time-honored, alternative medicine involving the application of pressure to the feet with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques using oil or lotion. Based on the principle that zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands correspond to glands, organs, and systems of the body, reflexology aims to restore balance and promote overall well-being.


Emma Diani at Six Senses


May 20 - 25, 2025


July 15 - 20, 2025


October 14 - 19, 2025


December 2 - 7, 2025

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