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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Laura Warren

Holistic Health Coach, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer

Laura offers an attuned and curated approach to every session focusing on your well-being goals and a felt experience. She feels privileged to have supported thousands of people on their unique well-being journey and has run workshops and retreats internationally as well as being a sought-after facilitator at well-being events.

The Live Wild Experience with Laura Warren

Laura Warren is Holistic Health Practitioner. Registered and certified in Clinical Nutrition, Personal Training as well as being a Level 2 Certified Wim Hof Method Instructor, Oxygen Advantage Instructor, XPT Life Coach and a Breathless Expeditions Instructor.  Through her business – Live Wild NZ, Laura’s experience-based learning approach incorporates scientifically validated techniques via adventure, optimization of the journey of life through connection to daily habits and sharing experiences in environments that provoke awe and heart felt connection. With two decades in the health and wellness sector she is passionate about facilitating using traditional approaches while infusing scientific backed techniques into her offerings to optimize her client’s results.

Wim Hof Method Fundamental Workshop, 

Developed by Dutchman Wim Hof, this scientifically validated method enabled him to achieve remarkable feats, including 26 world records - such as climbing Kilimanjaro the fastest in shorts and standing immersed in ice for nearly two hours. The method has now been proven to influence the autonomic nervous system and immune system at will.

Level 2 Certified Instructor Laura Warren will create the space for a deep dive into the 3 pillars of the method. You will understand the science behind the method and have a felt experience enabling you to explore your own inner landscape and feel empowered to take on the optional ice bath experience. This session is guaranteed to leave you invigorated and is an opportunity to experience your own superhuman!

Live Wild Breathwork Experience

Bring awareness to the breath to go beyond what you normally understand of the world. Learn how your own breath can give you information about yourself or your situation, that you didn’t have or know already. These sessions are designed to empower and help you feel connected and confident in utilizing your breath to its full. This session will be a deep reset and will be supported with sound therapy and visualization. There will be time for sharing, integration, and a chance to have all your Breathwork questions answered.

The Root Cause - Nutrition and Holistic Health Consultation

This consultation explores all your body systems and how they are functioning alongside your dietary and lifestyle habits to identify the root cause of any health concerns, hormonal imbalances, or possible nutrient deficiencies.

The information gathered combined with physical examinations of tongue, nails and eyes provides the information needed for a tailored treatment plan to be curated in line with your health goals and lifestyle.

You will find this session informative and empowering with the added benefit of taking home a detailed plan to support your health and well-being long term.

NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

Non-Sleep Deep Rest is a method of deep relaxation developed by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford University School of Medicine. It's a process that combines controlled breathing and detailed body scanning to bring you into a state of heightened awareness and deep relaxation. The main purpose of NSDR is to mitigate stress, enhance energy for the day ahead, create deep rest and presence and improve overall well-being. This is the session for you if you just need permission to reset in the afternoon or is an excellent precursor before bed.

Living Wild – Move and Recover Session

Considering your fitness and health goals participate in a training session that will incorporate a land and/or pool-based workout to get the blood moving and the endorphins flowing. Laura is here to challenge you but promises you’ll have fun doing it! Follow up with a contrast therapy session (sauna and cold plunge) afterwards incorporating breathing techniques that boost energy and focus, promote physical recovery, and improve stress management.

A Good Day Starts the Night Before

It's estimated that 1 in 3 adults experience symptoms of insomnia at some point.  This is an educational and informative session about understanding and addressing the common reasons for wakeful nights or broken sleep and creating a personalized game plan for what you can do about it. Discussion of sleep hygiene, supplements and lifestyle practices will be included.


Laura Warren at Six Senses


August 23, 2025 - September 5, 2025

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