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Liam Harkness

Physical Neuromuscular Therapy

Liam graduated as a Sports Therapist from Exeter College in 1995 and has spent over three decades establishing himself as a leading health consultant in Asia. His passion for guiding clients on their individual paths to optimal performance and pain management has taken him across globe. Liam’s ability to diagnose dysfunction at its root cause, as well as treat physical symptoms on multiple complex levels, has earned him a distinguished client list that includes professional world champion athletes, international stars, and Hollywood celebrities. A session with Liam offers a comprehensive mind-body experience.

Integrated Manual Therapy (IMT)

IMT is a functional approach to physical therapy that works by dissolving adhesions in the muscles and fascial systems. A combination of manual therapy techniques relaxes the muscles and nervous system, allowing you to move with confidence and return to sports and activities that enrich your life. 

Stretch and Massage

This optimum performance technique is used by the world’s top athletes to release bio mechanical stress and heal old injuries and scar tissue. Each joint is methodically worked through its range of motion to improve suppleness and strength leaving the patient feeling energized and ready for action. Assisted stretching connects the mind and body with the breath, leading to a boost in performance that goes beyond the benefits of regular massage.


Bioresonance therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment that scans and harmonizes the electromagnetic fields of the body. This treatment works well for patients who suffer from chronic health conditions as the scan will reveal the underlying causes that are affecting our health and energy levels. We have found that a combination of Bioresonance with manual therapy has a profound effect on the healing process by boosting the immune system and greatly reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. 

Group exercise classes


In this class we will use an active isolated stretching rope to open up the hips and lower body. These techniques are used the world over by top athletes and fitness professionals to improve agility and reduce the risk of injury. This class has been designed to open up tight bodies that spend long hours sitting at a desk or traveling and will help with conditions such as lower back pain, knee pain and more.

Mat Pilates  

This postural strengthening class is designed to enhance strength and alignment, promoting better movement and increased body confidence. The exercises aim to restore balance in bodies misaligned due to prolonged poor posture. Regular practice can lead to a healthier, stronger back, facilitating free and pain-free movement.

Liam Harkness at Six Senses


July 5 - 31, 2025

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