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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Neriman Azis

Woman's Health Specialist, Osteopath

With over a decade of practice in osteopathy, Neriman specializes in women’s health and conditions. Passionate to use osteopathy to delve into a person’s condition and also to treat them and increase their health and wellness, Neriman uses combination of meditations, visualizations, breath work and body relaxation techniques towards a deeper relationship with your body as a woman.


Osteopathy is designed to understand your body and then create a treatment unique to you that will reduce pain and improve how you feel. After an initial consultation and evaluation that includes your muscles, ligaments, joints, and skeletal system, a hands-on treatment is then used to help the body return to a more balanced place and reduce your symptoms. The hands-on treatment can include joint mobility and manipulation, muscle release work, dry needling, and work on your organs. Alongside this, you may be given exercises or other advice to supplement our work in the session.

Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and powerful hands-on treatment, helping you feel relaxed and calmer in your body and nervous system. The treatment influences everything in the body including pain pathways, your digestive system, respiratory system, heart function and the endocrine system by homing in on areas that are holding tension, injury and emotions and working with your body to release.

Woman's Wellness

Woman’s wellness sessions assess, treat, and support women in their health journey. It is a ‘wholistic’ approach to women’s health, combining osteopathy, craniosacral therapy, and holistic pelvic care. These sessions are hands on and hands in. Once the external structures of the body have been restored to balance (and you feel ready) we then start working internally through the vagina to address any issues within the pelvic bowl. This integrative session is your first step towards a deeper relationship with your body as a woman.

Neriman Azis at Six Senses


March 5 - 31, 2025

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