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Numthip Puntha

Physiotherapy, Reiki, Sound Healing, & Chi Nei Tsang

As a Physiotherapist (B.Sc.), Wellness (Grad. Dip.), Lifestyle Medicine (Cert.), Master Reiki Practitioner, Sound Healing and Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner, Khun Numthip has an extensive background in physiotherapy and training in alternative medicine, stress management, coaching and energy work. She is a dedicated advocate in promoting the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Her mission is to help individuals become more self-aware and discover their full potential to achieve happiness.

Aqua Fitness

A series of exercises using various water equipment in a swimming pool. This physical activity helps to activate and strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and burn body fat.

Healing Touch Massage

A combination of relaxing massage, vibrational healing, and energy work to release muscular and organ tensions, stimulate circulation, support toxin release, and enhance a deeper state of relaxation and mental peace. The treatment is suitable for people of all ages, promoting improved energy, posture alignment, and better sleep quality.

Chi Nei Tsang - Abdominal Massage

Chi Nei Tsang is effective in reducing intestinal blockages, cramps, knots, lumps, scar tissue, headaches, poor circulation, back pain, menstrual cramps. It takes a holistic approach to massage therapy, treating the person as a whole by integrating their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.

Manual Lympathic Drainage

This is a gentle yet powerful hands-on treatment that targets superficial lymph nodes along the lymphatic pathway. It helps improve metabolism, eliminate toxins, reduce fluid retention, unblock energy channels, and restore vital energy.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is an ancient technique that re-aligns energy within the body, enhancing our natural healing system to work at its full potential to revitalize and restore balance and harmony. The treatment begins with a hands-on session to release blockages, followed by sound healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls to balance energy, promote relaxation, and reduce stress.

Tibetan Sound Healing

Enhanced by the restorative sound vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls which resonate along with the inner body fluids, the body's energy is cleansed and rejuvenated. This helps slow down brainwave frequencies, calming the mind and creating a pre-meditative state.

Numthip Puntha at Six Senses


April 1 - 30, 2025

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