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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Pare Saowaros Bunjan

Traditional Thai Medicine, Complementary Alternative Medicine, and Bioenergy Healing

Pare, a practitioner of Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM) and Holistic Healing, is currently a PhD student in the Herbal Sciences Program at the College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University. She graduated with honors in Applied Traditional Thai Medicine from Mae Fah Luang University. Later, she worked at leading wellness centers in Thailand, integrating her TTM knowledge with various energy-healing methods, such as Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM), Holistic Massage Techniques, and Bioenergy Healing. 

Therapeutic Thai Massage (TTM)

TTM is an ancient medical massage therapy originally reserved for Thailand’s royal families. This highly effective technique uses deep acupressure on ten meridians governing the flow of energy throughout the body. It has been proven to relieve symptoms, improve blood circulation, enhance physical flexibility, support organ function, and promote overall well-being.

Holistic Body Tension Healing Theraphy

Using aromatic essential oils, this therapeutic and rhythmic massage combines deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and bioenergy healing methods to treat skeletal and muscular stiffness, as well as office syndrome. It also works to balance the four main elements of the body: earth, water, fire, and air.

“Reiki” Energy Healing

Reiki, or Universal Life Force Energy, is a Japanese form of energy healing that focuses on the vital energy animating all living beings. Pare uses gentle hand movements to channel and enhance this energy in different parts of your body, creating a state of deep relaxation,
stress relief, and well-being. Reiki also supports the body’s natural healing ability and balances mind, body, and soul.

Therapeutic Abdominal Massage

This technique combines Chi Nei Tsang and Thai therapeutic abdominal methods, using a healing touch to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. It helps clear stagnant and congested energies in the internal organs, releasing unresolved emotional issues stored in the digestive system. The massage also helps improve health imbalances caused by digestive problems.

Lymphatic Drainage

This gentle massage stimulates the flow of lymph fluids through rhythmic movements, guiding it from the tissues to the lymph nodes, where it is drained and eliminated. The massage helps detoxify the body, reduce swelling and inflammation, and prevent

Bach Flower Essence Remedy

Based on Dr. Edward Bach’s system of 38 botanical remedies, the treatment uses flower extracts to support and balance your emotions, promote harmony, and address psychological causes of illness, such as fear, uncertainty, lack of interest in the present, loneliness, oversensitivity, sadness or despair, and over-care for others at the expense of self.

Pare Saowaros Bunjan at Six Senses


July 1 - 31, 2025

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