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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Roger Moore

Holistic Therapist

Roger Moore, a renowned wellness and holistic therapist, has been featured in various media and wellness magazines and recently appeared on The Discovery Channel’s luxury wellness series. He serves A-list celebrities and has collaborated with industry leaders at top resorts. With 26 years of wellness experience and 20 years in Southeast Asia, he travels globally for therapies, seminars, and workshops. Roger offers unique treatments combining Western and Eastern techniques, covering bodywork, re-alignment, energy, emotional and psychological issues that bring highly effective and extraordinary results.

Remedial Deep Tissue/Fascia Release Therapy

This is a combination of both very deep Western oil massage techniques and strong Asian based pressure point isolation work, which enables deeply rooted chronic joint, muscular and Connective tissue pain to be released. A strong intense effective treatment for pain management

Seven Chakra Massage

Focuses on the seven major chakra points of the body via direct massage, and bodywork, coupled with energy techniques to help diagnose and treat deep rooted physical and emotional traumas and conditions. A very powerful releasing treatment.

Intuitive Therapy

Using both learned and intuitive techniques blending his natural gifts to read the body’s emotional issues through bio-mechanical and physical imbalance ques and visuals, along with actual tried and tested western medical techniques in bodywork. Information is gathered and then given back to the guest via verbal and visual mediums to help resolve any outstanding emotional, physical or mental negative traits. A self-awareness revealing Treatment on repetitive negative patterns in one’s life.

Chi Nei Tsang Massage

An Ancient Tao-ist abdominal stomach massage that deeply penetrates the digestive system and organs to release toxic waste and improve vital force energy. Good for treating IBS, constipation gas, bloating, and other digestive dis-orders, and imbalances. Ideal with a cleansing detox program.

Visualization Regression Therapy

Using Native American Indian Shamanistic techniques of The Totem and Power Animal system with Modern day relaxation and hypnosis techniques, one can go back to deep long forgotten memories, or subconscious imaginative sacred spaces and release self-destructive or self-limited patterns. Caused by these old traumas and repeated out of date reactions. Good for Phobia’s and bad lifestyle habits that needs to be resolved.

Medical Reflexology

Based on physical issues of the guest, which pinpoints the area that directly affect the condition of health issues that the client is suffering from, this allowing the body’s own natural healing system to be stimulated to bring relief, circulation and homeostasis to flow again.

Roger Moore at Six Senses


April 1 - 30, 2025

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