Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Rosa G. Tardón combines the wisdom of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, pulse diagnosis and the new technologies of the 21st century. She regulates electromagnetic waves in her sessions to help bring people into their optimal state of physical, mental and emotional health. Based on a personalized treatment adapted to each person, Rosa G. Tardón balances the alpha and betha brain waves, stimulates cellular chemical hormesis, and promotes a stage of deep meditation through the sound of the Tibetan bowls and the balance of the cerebral hemispheres. All this is complemented by nutritional education and how to live in a toxic-free environment. With more than ten years of practicing this profession and continual research, Rosa G. Tardón currently has her own clinic space in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) and is also part of the professional care and well-being team at Six Senses in Ibiza.