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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Sanket Yadahalli

Pain Relief & Holistic Acupuncturist, Naturopathy Massage Specialist

As a fourth-generation healer, he grew up watching his family practice Ayurveda- Traditional Medicine and help villagers in need. Thus, with a passion for evidence-based natural medicine, he graduated from RGUHS India and did postgraduation from UT Estonia. Sanket’s education module of 7 years included subjects from modern as well as alternative medicine with hands-on training in various therapeutic and holistic body treatments. He has decade-long work experience performing more than 18000 wellness sessions in retreats, luxury vessels, sports clinics, and resorts around the world.

Signature Massage

This personalized treatment offers both relaxation and healing. Choose from various therapies tailored to your preferences, with options for deep, medium, or gentle.

  • Naturopathy Massage: for tight knots, pain, muscle relaxatıon, chronıc inflammation, discomfort and restricted movement
  • Reflexology Hands and Feet: for chronic pain, sciatica, swelling, lumbar disc problems
  • Cupping Massage: for pinched nerve, poor circulation, post-surgery recovery, lymph issues, cellulite buildup, fascia tightness and adhesion
  • Shiatsu: for acute pain, neck & shoulder pain, migraine, digestive problems, knee pain
  • CranioSacral Head & Neck Massage: for insomnia, stress, anxiety, sinusitis, locked jaw, headache, tinnitus, and cervical disc problems

Holistic Facial Rejuvenation

Recommended for wrinkles, fine lines, and muscle tone loss with our unique blend of acupuncture, facial massage, and crystal roller therapy. Enhance circulation, boost collagen and elastin production, and experience added relaxation with optional CranioSacral treatment.

Acupuncture & Acupressure

W.H.O recommends acupuncture for 43 different health conditions. Targeting pain, inflammation, stress, and digestive issues. It uniquely addresses the source, directly stimulating muscles, fascia, or joints for a healing response. Sanket selects the appropriate technique, combining medical and traditional methods for a personalized, pain-free experience using disposable needles after a brief acupressure session.

Detox For Liver and Lungs

Ideal for constipation, water retention, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, shortness of breath, and jetlag. Drawing on ancient practices, this session utilizes massage techniques on the abdomen, rib cage, legs, and feet to detox, energize, and strengthen internal organs, lungs, and skin health through the manipulation of Prana or Chi energy. Optionally, follow up with Marmapuncture. Best before breakfast or, if not, wait at least 60 minutes after a meal.

Sanket Yadahalli at Six Senses


January 15, 2025 - March 15, 2025

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