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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Satya Morillas

Holistic Health with Satya

Inspired by Non-Dualism and Buddhist teachings, Satya has been practicing Yoga, Vipassana and Mindfulness Meditation for the last 20 years - which helps nourish her life and those she touches.

Auriculo Light Acupuncture (with or without needles)

Specially indicated for pain or inflammation, acupuncture restores the energy balance and regulates body functions by relaxing the nervous system. Satya uses the healing power of light and color to restore the harmony in our body. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine, illness is caused when the Qi (vital energy) doesn't flow properly throughout the body.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Reiki treats the whole person’s body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing while feeling like it is creating a glowing radiance that flows through you and around you.

Breathwork | The Breath Act® 

Breathwork is a powerful practice that can help to relieve physical and emotional tension, Satya deeply combines the power of conscious breathing with neuroscience, sound, and different somatic techniques for emotional release. This is an opportunity to deeply connect with your core being, releasing and healing on many levels.

Coaching Wingwave | EMDR

This method that facilitates the dissolution of stress or emotional blockages quickly and effectively. Wingwave® coaching works by incorporating EMDR (waving), bilateral eye stimulation, neuro-muscular testing (similar to Kinesiology), and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

Mindful Yoga and Meditation

Mindful yoga is a blend of Hatha, Iyengar, Vinyasa and Kundalini-style yoga for musculoskeletal problems. It is a tailored series to deal with stress and anxiety; treat injuries, and mechanical issues or joint problems in the lower back, shoulder, neck, hip or knees.

Abdominal Massage  |  Chi Nei Tsang

This deep, powerful healing technique works with the inner organs, core muscles, soft and deep tissue, nerves, acupressure points, and energy lines, improving digestion and helping the body’s internal detox elimination process.

Satya Morillas at Six Senses


January 5, 2025 - February 5, 2025

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