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Visiting Practitioners' Calendar

Suraj Varma

Ancient Ayurvedic Bliss

Suraj Varma first learned about the healing and positive energy of Ayurveda from his family, who have been Ayurvedic practitioners for many generations in Kerala.

Ayurvedic practitioners for many generations in Kerala. Suraj did his post-graduate Ayurvedic studies at the prestigious Ayurvedic Hospital at Coimbatore in Kerala where he worked with some of India’s top Ayurvedic physicians. His reputation spread and he was hired by leading spa company E’Spa in the UK, later by Dr. Mosaraf Ali, the founder of The Integrated Medical Centre in London. Suraj was chosen as the ‘On Location’ therapist for Academy Award-winning filmmakers Merchant Ivory. Suraj then became a consultant therapist at London’s five-star Blakes Hotel, and Senior Therapist at the award-winning Chancery Court Spa and Chelsea Club Spa.

Kerala Karma

A traditional treatment based on Ayurvedic principles to achieve total relaxation and a renewed sense of energy. The journey begins with body exfoliation, a warm shower, followed by Brahmanam a nourishing Ayurvedic massage, then a soothing facial with specialized movements to nourish and create a radiant glow.

Ayurvedic Deep Tissue Massage

An ideal treatment for those who spend long hours at a desk, or on the computer, or those whose bodies may be stressed from neck and spinal problems. This treatment is specifically designed to release deep-seated tension in the body and to promote circulation. Also helps to improve better body posture.

Marma Detox & Immune Booster

A deeply cleansing and detoxifying treatment designed to help achieve weight loss and rejuvenation, with the goal of attaining a better body. Marma massage can also enhance your immune system, tone the muscles and strengthen your connective tissue. Your treatment starts with a personalized consultation, followed by an exfoliating body scrub and a bespoke marma massage that will leave you feeling purified and energized. The ideal treatment for detox, immunity boost, and weight loss. Steam is used in between and after, according to the personalized treatment.

Ayurvedic Holistic Balancing

An intensive treatment that aims to completely de-stress the client, then correct the imbalance between the tridoshas (Vatha, Pitha, Kapha) and is especially helpful for those suffering from poor memory, lack of energy, headaches, insomnia, and spondylitis. After a detailed consultation, treatment start with Herbal oil scrub followed by Abhyanga Ayurvedic warm oil massage incorporate with hot stones massage. Traditional massage techniques are used for balancing the seven chakras in the body. The treatment concludes with Shirodhara and Indian head massage, a deeply relaxing procedure to rebalance and reconnect. Other treatments offered: Spiritual Chakra Healing, Blissful Back & Head Massage, Vedic Head Massage

Suraj Varma at Six Senses


March 15 - 30, 2025


September 1 - 30, 2025

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