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The foundation of our existence is a reverence to nature

At Six Senses Vana in India, sustainable resort practices are a way of life. We are grateful for the environment we exist in, and what it provides us and understand how the Earth, its resources, and the beings on it are inextricably interdependent. Nature is unconquerable. It is not outside of us, rather, we are within it. The Retreat is LEED Platinum certified and equipped with innovative technologies and practices. This starts with the air, and how we purify any emissions to reduce harmful impacts on the atmosphere. It continues with water conservation. Through advanced water management systems, rainwater harvesting, greywater treatment (STP) and efficient irrigation practices, we ensure that our lush landscape thrives while minimizing our water footprint.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Sustainability is evident in our design, art, materials, water management, plastic free approach and textiles made only with natural fibers. From the outset, the retreat was conceived on the Green Building Concept to be a part of the existing landscape of Sal forests, mango plantations, and lychee trees. Awarded LEED Platinum status in 2015, we are India’s first retreat to have attained this standard of environmental design. Interiors ensure natural ventilation in enclosed areas, and exteriors are lush, left to their organic and natural form.

Sustainability Initiatives

At Six Senses Vana, we are also committed to making a positive impact beyond our walls. We actively take steps to reduce waste, conserve resources, protect biodiversity, engage with local communities, supporting initiatives that promote education, health, and cultural preservation. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our eco-friendly design and operations, making Vana a harmonious sanctuary for both guests and the environment.

We believe in ethical sourcing and sustainable practices. Our products and services are carefully chosen to minimize exploitation and promote fair trade.


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