Six Senses Vana
Enhance your stay at Six Senses Vana in Dehradun with special hotel booking deals and offers to complement the season or your wellness goals.
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Prioritize your wellness journey and enjoy 15 percent savings when you stay 10 nights or longer. This gives you a little longer to enjoy our on-site retreat program, hikes in the Himalayan foothills, and a private visit to Rishikesh for the Ganges Aarti.
Enjoy one of the few places in the world where extended retreats are made equally comfortable and fruitful, through our nourishing cuisine, complementary therapies, healing spaces, a caring team, beautiful surroundings, plus 20 percent savings when you stay 21 nights or longer.
Discover inner peace and a holistic wellness experience complete with ancient medicine systems, yoga sessions, nature walks, and guided nutrition. Choose a five-night retreat at Six Senses Vana and your journey starts with a 10 percent saving. Restore your natural rhythm and leave feeling refreshed and reconnected.
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