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Six Senses Kyoto

Sushi Oga Higashiyama

A new dimension of Omakase Sushi in Kyoto

Since its Osaka debut in 2018, Sushi Oga has captivated diners with its innovative take on sushi. Reservations are consistently booked out a year in advance so the acclaimed restaurant has now expanded to a second location in Japan, and we’re delighted to introduce Sushi Oga Higashiyama within Six Senses Kyoto.

The young and talented sushi master Chef Sakai delivers a unique dining experience that respects traditions with a dynamic twist. Under the same vision of Oga, the restaurant features a signature red vinegar sushi rice and the finest delights from the ocean.

Tuna, a rare treat in Kansai, takes center stage at Sushi Oga Higashiyama as it comes from one of the most renowned suppliers in Tokyo ensuring exceptional quality. Expect multiple cuts showcasing the master's expertise. Kansai’s favorite whitefish are also prepared with utmost care to bring out their full flavors, accompanied by a selection of innovative side dishes to complete the experience.

Beyond its culinary artistry, Sushi Oga Higashiyama is a feast for the eyes. The restaurant boasts a collection of exquisite antique dishes, each a piece of refined craftsmanship, adding an artisanal touch underneath each bite.

Opening hours

Lunch from 12:00 noon
Dinner from 6:00 pm
Closed every Wednesday and quarterly holidays

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