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Harmony between modernity and heritage

Six Senses Kyoto is a green oasis at the heart of Japan’s cultural capital, showcasing sustainability through culture, community, and ecology. Urban sustainability is about collaboration and forging connections, from the Shinto shrine next door to the seventh-generation farm just outside Kyoto, where the organic farming techniques have been handed down by ancestors to provide best-in-season produce for our guests. Kitchen waste is composted and used to feed our beautiful traditional gardens and grow herbs for the kitchens and spa. Guests and the local community are invited to meet in our Earth Lab and share ideas for a more sustainable world. Our aim is to integrate with the fabric of Kyoto and provide the perfect vantage point to explore the fantastic history and thriving culture this city has to offer. Our sustainability Fund, which collects 0.5 percent of hotel revenue, is dedicated to supporting two locally based organizations Biotope Network Kyoto and Council for Kyoto Traditional Forest Culture, in regenerating, conserving, and educating younger generations on forestry revitalization and its cultural value.
Sustainability EcoCard

Social Responsibility

Kyoto has always been seen as the cultural capital of Japan. We work directly with local community partners to support traditional arts and culture, ensuring the rich history of this destination lives on with future generations.

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