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Sustainability in the Heart of Kanuhura

Sustainability is one of our core values and central to Six Senses Kanuhura. It represents who we are, and this ethos reflects in all our offerings, initiatives, and operations. Our sustainability strategy is deeply woven into every decision we make, and our approach is designed to meet the needs of our guests, hosts, and stakeholders, while ensuring we don't negatively impact the planet. We carefully consider the social, environmental, and economic effects of our operations to ensure that we do not cause harm, now or in the future. Such a strategy can only be successful through the commitment of our entire team on this continuous and evolving journey, achieved by motivating, encouraging, training, educating, and leading by example. This is evident in our extensive orchid nursery which houses over 3,000 orchids, including the endemic and rare Dendrobium Kanuhura, a certified new species by the UK Horticultural Society. Our hydroponic farm grows over 25 varieties of herbs and greens, and when fully operational, over 760 plants thrive here. From microgreens to salad greens, aromatic herbs and more, we have grown over 90 kilograms in one month from our system. While it does not offset our entire produce needs, we have become self-sufficient in certain lettuce and herb types. Given our remote location, and a scarcity of soil coupled with vast quantities of saltwater, our hydroponic system helps us lower our emissions, increase our nutrient intake, and inspire our chefs with fresh ingredients to experiment with.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

It is our mission to protect the turtle population of our island and of Lhaviyani Atoll, along with the habitats they need to thrive. Along with our partners, our resident marine biologist studies and conducts research on the local turtle population and monitors turtle nests on Kanuhura and our neighboring islands. Our overarching aim is to support responsibly managed fisheries and a healthy marine ecosystem.

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