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Sustainability for greener skiers in Courchevel

Consistent with the Six Senses commitment to sustainability, we preserve precious resources such as energy and water, including energy efficient light bulbs, sensor activation, and smart thermostat settings. Guests receive ‘recycling points’ in exchange for returned key cards and ski passes at the reception desk in order to promote circularity, in addition to recycling points at resident entrances. Each residence is equipped with our adorable soft toy mascot, a chamois named Monty. These mountain goats are an emblem of a healthy, thriving mountain ecosystem, and are being monitored closely because of their importance within it. All proceeds from soft toy sales go to our Sustainability Fund, which is used to support our partner NGOs, One Tree at a Time and Ma Chance Moi Aussi.
Sustainability EcoCard

Environmental Responsibility

Our environmental projects focus on increasing awareness for circularity in the community and reducing waste to landfill, whilst providing alternative livelihood for the community.

Social Responsibility

Our social projects aim to promote well-being and health of our communities. By partnering with Ma Chance Moi Aussi, we are able to increase life quality through education and development for those in need.

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